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Mercenary (Arsenal)


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This is the most mind numbing spec in the entire game and yet I play it for two simple reasons:


- bounty hunter

- two blasters


I was hoping that in 1.2 Bioware would adjust the class because it really is pretty damn boring but still the only viable spec for a DPS merc. Yes, you can do well as a pyrotech but really why not just play a powertech where the synergy is much better and so is the mobility (they nerfed powershot too by the way, if you go full pyrotech you're looking at 2.0s cast time for powershot!).


So the point is, instead of adjusting the class, making it more interesting they just gut it because it will make the boring 'rotation' less boring. Some guy makes an appearance on the forums claiming he wants to preserve the DPS of the class, the next day heatseaker damage gets a "fix" which simply nerfs the ability and makes it hit just slightly more than the already nerfed tracer missile.


There are many great classes to play in this game, great utility and plenty of cool buttons to push, unfortunately the mercenary is not one of them. How about owning up to your mistakes Bioware and adjusting this class, and really adjusting it, give it utility, make it fun and stay away from your idea of boring 'rotations'.

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yeah man it kinda blows but im sticking with my merc whenever i play. I loved the story and merc specs can still be good even if they are boring. I chose merc for dual wielding little did i know i would be missile spamming and getting *****.


I cant level another guy or go back to wow or some other ****** mmo.


There is still so much grinding even in this game and i hate grinding. its my bane after 6 years of doing it in wow. I refuse to WORK in a game. I like just logging on and doing pvp with no repair bills and even earning cash for doing warzzones. Due to the utter disregard bioware has for world pvp ill probably quit when my sub runs out. I have alot of time left though 90 days.

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