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How is this possible?


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So leveling a new alt as Empire and tried PvPing last night. Took 15 WZs to finish the single win daily. Our team was everyone under level 20 and maybe one 30, The republic teams were mostly over 35 with like 4-5 shadows on each team. So tonight I figured forget the torture I went through last night I will play my republic alt. Now the Empire is all high levels and our team is all sub 20s and im on #12 and havent finished the daily. I just dont get it. My luck cant be that bad. Edited by Dabrixmgp
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4-5 shadows... Wow that's a high number in any warzone. I'm not saying they're overpowered, but if your team doesn't have the necessary utility against them then they're going to run right through you. Shadows/Assassins come prepped with a a lot of utility in their skills and with 4-5 in a team there's bound to be chaos.
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Also same thing happened when the game went live. I started as Republic. We would have like one level 28 and everyone else was under 20. Empire teams would be all over 40 with 3-4 50s. Edited by Dabrixmgp
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