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Why I want Macros in the game


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I believe the developers answered this during the guild summit saying that macros are basically "cheating" and that they would "NEVER" allow them in the game. Point in case you want to use them in pvp to make your life easier so you can get an edge on other players. Describe it any which way you want, it is what it is: you want to use it to compete against other players better. And sure you might not personally abuse a macros system, but there are plenty of people who would. The game is an equal playing field with regard to controls so changing this dynamic would unbalance the game. There are plenty of people who are playing swtor right now that get along just fine without them.


Sorry but I tend to agree with the developers, macros and addons offer an unfair advantages (just take a look at games like WoW for example). People abuse macros and addons to get into the top bracket of the game with very little skill. How is this true competition? These kinds of tools should never be allowed in a game that offers player vs player. Cheaters do tend to win.


This has to be a joke if you think macros and addons are the reason top pvpers are at the top. Very little skill...


That has to be a joke. No one can be that dumb.


Or maybe they can, I don't know. A lot of things surprise me in that category lately.

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This has to be a joke if you think macros and addons are the reason top pvpers are at the top. Very little skill...


That has to be a joke. No one can be that dumb.


Or maybe they can, I don't know. A lot of things surprise me in that category lately.


You mad brah? Insulting people isn't going to change the fact that you ain't neva gonna see yo macros in the game. Deal with it or QQ a little more. Sorry to say but I am sure you are just making your case look even worse.


As for my post I was serious. You're taking things out of context and are being too extreme. I wasn't saying that EVERY top player uses macros to cheat in other games. I was just saying some do and it just proves that a game is broken if people without any kind of skill can use the ole macro crutch and still be highly ranked. You want to get an edge over other people, and whine when you can't get it. Just proves you have no real skill and want competition to be watered down to suit you. Whynot just suggest an auto-win button while we are at it? Oh, wait, right... that's a macro! Learn to play better!

Edited by Lastchylde
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Reporting me won't make me go away.


I'm still waiting for those mystical game breaking macros.


Oh, I see your post was deleted as well. There are no "one button rotation" macros in wow. The system doesn't allow it.


And even if they did exist, there is no "PvP rotation" because no two pvp situations are the same.

Edited by Cataphractone
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Reporting me won't make me go away.


I'm still waiting for those mystical game breaking macros.


I told you were to look, but I guess they deleted my response. WoWhead, elitist jerks... just about every wow forum website is full of pvp macros. You want them, go look them up yourself. I am not going to do the leg work here and I am not going to co-sign something that would allow you to cheat in game. Insult me all you want, I just don't care enough to go hunt down every little pvp cheat program/macro for you. I'm not your mule and I'm not going to jump through hoops just to prove my point. It's not worth it and this is laughable really. But I can tell you this, years ago I used to play a rogue in WoW and I would spam my pvp rotation macro all the time to destroy people when I was feeling lazy. It didn't make me a better player and got boring after a while. Which is MY point in saying marcos aren't needed. But hey you haven't put forth a good enough argument on how macros AREN'T cheating so... why don't you stop wasting time here and use it to go learn how to play this game better. Or are you that bored and lonely you get off on trying to think of ways to try to insult people who have a different opinions than yours and point out when you are just being a rude little crybaby. See how far that gets you in life... Good luck with that. :cool:


BTW I don't even pvp in this game. I just thought your post was ridiculous especially after the Devs said they were not going to allow macros in the game... ever. Whiners have gotten things changed in this game, but I am pretty sure they are cemented on the issue of macros. Stop wasting your time qqing about it. :o

Edited by Lastchylde
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Like I told the guy before. Never say never. Also, I don't follow every word the devs say, so I honestly didn't know they said no macros, but it still doesn't mean I want them in and I want them to know.


Blizzard said they would never allow faction changes, or both factions on one account on a pvp server.


A lot can change.


INB4: Bioware isn't Blizzard.

Edited by Cataphractone
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Go watch the video of the Guild Summit then. The whole panel of developers was in agreement on this issue. No macros! And they gave their reasons, which were solid and valid. But go ahead and hold your breath for them to change their minds. (They seem to do so on a lot of other issues.) Really it's not something that NEEDS to be put into the game. It would just be fluff to allow players to be lazy. If this issue ever changes, then you can throw yourself a parade, but for now deal with it.


Pro-tip: Kindness goes a lot further than insults. :D


And yeah BioWare is no Blizzard and for this I am glad. They seem to have learned from Blizzard's mistakes and yet have made plenty of their own. But hey, they are only human...

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