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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Nightmare Pilgrim - Unable to summon the boss

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So we just went down to Voss to kill The Nightmare Pilgrim, we're 16 men and all got the Mental Protection. For some reason tough we can't click the stone. Normaly it's highlighted in blue, but now it's just black. Is anyone familiar with this bug?


Of what i know, No one on the server have killed the boss before. Neither Empire or Republic...

Anyone know anything about this issue?

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Well as mentioned, no one else has killed it, we're the top guild on Empire side and we loged onto Republic alts and asked around. The only logical explenation is indeed that someone else have killed it. Tho i dont see the reason not to show off a little when you get the chance.


Just wanted to make sure it was not a common bug, but i asume you're right. :)

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We tried earlier, checked before raid started (17:30 bst) and it wasnt usable... Thought "oh ok 2 hour respawn... it'll be ready about raid time" guildie checks 20 mins later, still not usable. I log on about 18:00 and sit there waiting for it to be usable, still nothing. I have just checked again and its still not usable well over 2 hours later.


Unless someone killed Nightmare Pilgrim in about 20 mins whilst it wasn't being watched.... its bugged.

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So NP is bugged along with Kephess? They really need to invest in some better player testing.


The bug with Kephess is surmountable. We just cleared hard mode tonight and we only wiped once to Kephess for reasons other than the bug.


This NP bug is totally different though.

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Hello everyone,


In order to keep the forums tidy and conversations in one place please use this thread to discuss the topic of the Nightmare Pilgrim Boss not spawning, we have escalated this issue to the appropriate department and will be closing this current thread. Thank You!

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