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max level switching sides quests


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what do yall think if they had the option at max level to switch sides once at 50 being a high end council member for sith and playing a # games with fleet ship to show ur loyalty to the jedi could be a great option and of course keeping ur companions ect maybe getting a whole new line of them and killing the old ones you didnt like off i mean cmon think about it everyone would love the epic story a 1 time switch and if yall implemented buying a side change yall could just take away the quest for the character
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maybe learning some ancient mind blocking techniques so they cant sense ur intentions ashara wanting to help you you giving up on trying to convert the sith turning jaesa away form the darkside if u ever did and sooner or later them breaking through your ancient ritual of mind blocking and hiding ur presence / intentions you could even show threw visions you see them trying to catch you by only telling 1 council member about how there going to attack trying to play process of elimination and then sooner or later useing an ancient ritual to make u come out and fight your way to freedom
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maybe later on your right about they might sense ur the newest council member but it is true also becoming the emporer and changeing it that way could be an option but i doubt all the pos would change
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You already can. Let's use the example of my Sith Assassin.


He reaches level 50 and in the story becomes... well that would be telling and we don't do spoliers here. Some time after that he has a profound crisis of faith, or maybe Ashara got through to him. He might have had a vision from the Force or possibly just gotten fed up with the anti-alien sentiment of the Empire (honestly, he could - the whole False Emperor thing... he wanted to go with the new guy).


So he hops in his trusty ship and makes a beeline for Coruscant. Upon arrival on Coruscant he immediately deactives his weapons and broadcasts the "I surrender" code. Now it may be "realistic" he'd be shot down and destroyed but this is Star Wars and "realism" doesn't apply to heroes when they should reasonably be killed on the spot... it ends the story too soon.


The ship is caught in a tractor beam and boarded. Any companions that wouldn't want to defect got left behind, those that remain he would end up seperated from. 2V-R8 would have already been jettisoned out the airlock mid-hyperspace flight. Andronikos was given a pile of credits and dropped off on Nar Shadda. Khem Val was stuffed back into stasis on Korriban for the next Inquisitor to find (and won't they be surprised to find a level 50 khem val in level 45+ gear!) Ashara is sent in for rehabiliatory training and we're kept apart because "Romance is bad". Talos Drellik is heavily debriefed and begins his new career working for the Republic Reclamation Service. Xellik is promoted to Darth and put in my old seat on the Dark Council.


Anyway being level 50 I have the ability to create any class I want as an imperial zabrak (my SA's race naturally) and so I can create a level 1 alt of whatever class I like. This time I decide Jedi Consular and start over at level 1 because I had to give up the incredible power I had accumulated and relearn to use the Light Side of the Force. Of course since my old level 50 self had a pile of credits I did hide them in a numbered escrow account for me to use to help establish my new life in comfort, along with useful trinkets that weren't too obviously sith (i.e. interfaction mail of credits and twink gear).


*bam* Faction-betrayal/switching done.

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true though im just looking for a way to have sith talents on the republic side lol you know i think luke taut both sides of the force when u play as jaden in star wars jedi academy 1 of the best games ever made and maybe they could make the jedi alittle more rog but for the republic i mean there kinda corrilating it with the legacy system and heroic moment but wouldnt it be sweet to see a consular doing shock over and over
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