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Cross server WZs and Ranked WZs


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Assuming that certain players on low population servers and/or servers with severe faction population imbalance are currently acquiring higher end pvp gear at a slower rate than players on healthier servers due to fewer WZs played/won, wouldn't it be beneficial for the purposes of ensuring an equal playing field at the start of ranked WZs to first implement cross-server WZs to allow players on less-than-healthy servers to catch-up to players on healthy servers with respect to higher pvp gear?


It's a leading question, you know where I stand. The downside to what I'm suggesting is that ranked WZs may get pushed back. Thoughts?


TL;DR: If you skipped to this section, you should probably pick up a book before your brain atrophies.

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I know that people like rewards, but I actually dislike there being massive gear gaps. When I fight someone I want them to push me because they have skill, I don't want to steam roll them because their gear sucks. And alternatively I don't want to see horrible pvpers beating people just because they happen to have great gear (people who get carried, usually the ones who use words like "bads").


PVP in my eyes at least should be about skill. Ranked Warzones would be fantastic, cross server warzones would be amazing. People with similar gear at the start would be great, but for me the worry is this will just always be a game based on your gear, not how good you actually are.

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Ive been a big promoter of servers merging before ranked warzone matches go into effect. I do have one thing to point out and that is what happens to the legacy gain for those that do transfer? It is a fact that legacy is server based from the first character to reach lv 50. Those that transfer to a higher pop server will lose thier legacy gained and I do not like this at all. My point here is if free server transfers do happen the first character to move would be the one first to 50 and everybody else saved in that legacy tree would benifit from the "main" that transfered first when arriving to the new server. Not that hard to implement but may take some time and understanding that while alot of peeps pvp and are waiting for the ranked matches to begin do relish thier legacy gain. It is a accomplishment and shows dedication to your family tree and the server you spent so much time on. Hails
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I know that people like rewards, but I actually dislike there being massive gear gaps. When I fight someone I want them to push me because they have skill, I don't want to steam roll them because their gear sucks. And alternatively I don't want to see horrible pvpers beating people just because they happen to have great gear (people who get carried, usually the ones who use words like "bads").


PVP in my eyes at least should be about skill. Ranked Warzones would be fantastic, cross server warzones would be amazing. People with similar gear at the start would be great, but for me the worry is this will just always be a game based on your gear, not how good you actually are.


LOL skill in this game? ha not Auto facing target no geting behind someone to make them have to face you lol SPAM buttons FTW.... there is 0 skill needed in this game for pvp

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I have no idea how fast it takes people to get gear on well populated servers. I'm on a really small server, population wise and some are starting to get quite a few war hero. Maybe not full anytime soon but still 2-3 set pieces excluding implants and stuff. But like I said, no idea about other servers.


LOL skill in this game? ha not Auto facing target no geting behind someone to make them have to face you lol SPAM buttons FTW.... there is 0 skill needed in this game for pvp


LOL Learn to play please, kk?

Edited by owlinspace
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