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Commando Leveling Help Needed!


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Hi all !


I am leveling my commando and i love playing this class i really enjoy it xD .Current level is 26 and i am playing assault with companion Aric Jorgan.


I read the posts and found out that Gunnery is the best tree for leveling ,but assult is better if u want to pvp too.For the companions others say the Droid others Dorne, nobody Jorgan i use right now :)


When i went to Tattoine things get worse i get a lot of damage i get aggro and all the time i stop to heal myself.I tryed Dorne a bit but fight takes longer.....

So i need your help and i have some questions if anybody has time to answer of course :)

1)Gunnery or Assult for pure PVE fast leveling.

2)Which is the best companion for fast leveling and survivability out there .


Thank you all in advance !!!!

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I would spec Assault Specialist and learn how to strafe-kite. It primarily functions off of instant attacks so they can be used on the move while strafing around a target. I used Dorne pretty much from the moment I got her, there was less down time. I was specced heals for quite a while, and when I changed to Gunnery things died faster, but I died more often. After switching to Assault Specialist, I saw the benefits of running around and not getting hit as much. A melee opponent will not be able to out-damage the healing that Dorne puts out. Ranged opponents are a little more difficult, but you can still lay down the hurt pretty quickly with Assault Specialist.
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I would spec Assault Specialist and learn how to strafe-kite. It primarily functions off of instant attacks so they can be used on the move while strafing around a target. I used Dorne pretty much from the moment I got her, there was less down time. I was specced heals for quite a while, and when I changed to Gunnery things died faster, but I died more often. After switching to Assault Specialist, I saw the benefits of running around and not getting hit as much. A melee opponent will not be able to out-damage the healing that Dorne puts out. Ranged opponents are a little more difficult, but you can still lay down the hurt pretty quickly with Assault Specialist.


So the droid is out of question right?

Just to decide which companion i will equip because i am low in credits so i cannot equip all of them :(

I am raising the Cybertech but i dont know if i hit fast the level requires to equip the droid before i hit 50 because i focus mainly in questing/fp right now to gain levels.

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Other than saying cool things, the only advantage to Forex is that he is a tank (so is Vik, but you get him last). Use him when you absolutely *must* have a tank, but the problem with him is that he requires his own set of gear. Don't spend any cash buying gear for him, but some quests will offer droid items, if so, take that item to upgrade his gear as you level (remember that although green gear is almost worthless in this game, moddable green droid items are no different from the orange items....their worth depends on the mods you put in them).


Here is what I did, and what I recommend to you when leveling and money is tight...build one set of good Aim gear. Then you can swap the gear between your companions - Jorgen or Dorne, and later Yuun and Vik as well - depending on whether you need heals or DPS (or a tank, once you get Vik). The only thing that is not universal is weapon - Jorgen uses Assault Cannon, Yuun and Vik can share the same Techblade, and Dorne and Forex can share the same Blaster Pistol (Forex can also use a rifle, but in this game blaster pistols and rifles have the same DPS...doh).


I have used this scheme all the way to 50 and it has served me well while saving a lot of my credits.

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I'd say go a completely different way. Combat Medic and M1-4X are an easy leveling solution with very little downtime. Even against Elites I maintain high enough ammo to keep Forex alive and near the top and still fight the Champion. Very little downtime, and if you spec right and gear right, still high dps.
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I changed to gunnery for test purposes and in pve its a bit faster than the assault anyway both serves well , and assault it feels better because i play in pvp server so it comes handy even outside killing mobs when a player will try to kill you xD

One more importatn question guys and girls about the cell.


Which is the best cell to use with gunnery , plasma cell or armor-piercing cell ?

I am a bit confused about the cell which is better .


Thanks again !!!!

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I changed to gunnery for test purposes and in pve its a bit faster than the assault anyway both serves well , and assault it feels better because i play in pvp server so it comes handy even outside killing mobs when a player will try to kill you xD

One more importatn question guys and girls about the cell.


Which is the best cell to use with gunnery , plasma cell or armor-piercing cell ?

I am a bit confused about the cell which is better .


Thanks again !!!!

For gunnery use Armor Piercing Cell

Priority imo -> in group SG > HiB > full regen grav round > HS

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Speed is not always the best way to go even when leveling. What do you find yourself enjoying the most?


I personally like playing a 'light' tank when I am on my own leveling and play a controlled attack. For this I use Dorne and my CC....I play gunny.


I have only played assault a little bit and found that I preferred a DPS vanguard. You are young enough still to reroll and start again.


When I want to kill fast I bring out the cat and go all aoe on their butts, but I find this has more down time as I am constantly pausing to gain health and ammo.


As for the droid, I found him to be a very poor tank, but fun to be around for his comments. I ended up gearing him up for DPS and used him in place of the cat.


Dorne plus DPS build = consistent DPS with no down time.

Jordan/droid plus DPS build = burst dps with downtime to reload and heal


I never leveled as a medic, and I never had a problem with death, but I leveled prior to 1.2.

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