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BW u HAVE to add X server ASAP or u will lose subs soon!!


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Something related to the X window system.


Believe it's related to X-files, not sure though cause you know.. the answer is out there.


you two, are you familiar with this? http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Don%27t_be_a_dick


on any other forum (well, perhaps maybe not on WoW forums) I would get an actual reply, but no; here the population of d-bags is too high for that...




i see that other posters are talking about cross server queues, server transfers but i wasn't exactly sure what they mean by "x-server" in that context.


i figured i would ask, but i guess i figured wrong... thanks for nothing, savagepotato and Draqsko

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I think cross-server queues would be very bad for what little PvP community SWTOR now has. Personally, I like playing against/with the same people all of the time. If there are problems with queue lengths, the solution is to merge servers, not add cross-server queuing.


you have money on pvp dying when gw2 hits dont you?


there are some fine servers but some like mine where your facing the same premade pubs match after match getting faced rolled constantly, which causes less people to que. and as someone said earlier legacy discourages new servers, also lvling is so stream line lvling a new char is boring and to get your gear back takes awhile its a lot of effort thats not worth paying for

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If I hear community crap for pvp I may just lose my lunch. Are u really all buddy with ur enemies now since it's all u play?? I know it's happened to an extent on my server too due to the extreme boredom of playing the same people all the time. Newbies just get thrashed too since most people are geared.


Cross server for dungeons is lazy and it causes other issues. But for pvp we want to PVP not do dailies in between our 30 min queues to play the same people.


If u guys want a change this is it. Server merges will not happen first. X server is best and supposedly easy solution since bioware has the tools. Next would be transfers but u will still play the same people All the time. Mergers will be last because it looks bad.


Well it's getting pretty bad an there's a huge PVP elephant about to be in the room soon. Sounding better by the day.

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Server specific forums and cross-server PvP are huge holes missing in SWTOR. It's crazy how BW is wasting its resources on the stupid legacy stuff and ignoring core things the game really needs. The legacy things just look like a huge was of credits to me....which I have little of because I get crap credits in PvP now.
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