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Armor Debuff on Heat Sigs - Could High Velocity Gas be Broken?


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What do you guys think? Can someone possibly test this? How can we test to make certain that the armor debuff is working on heat sigs? I'm not sure how this would apply with the damage mechanics, but worth a shot. I no longer have the game loaded on my PC and my inner nerd is currious. I understand Bioware thinks it's working as intened, but something is off. Edited by Wrestle
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So what you are saying is the 4% armor debuff part is working but the other heat sig debuff isn't? I show logs from others thats showing the heatseeker debuff helping with damage? I dont know? To me it's not just Heatseaker that is gimped, but TMs are hitting for less as well. Edited by Wrestle
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So what you are saying is the 4% armor debuff part is working but the other heat sig debuff isn't? I show logs from others thats showing the heatseeker debuff helping with damage? I dont know? To me it's not just Heatseaker that is gimped, but TMs are hitting for less as well.


No I'm saying the opposite.


Edit - Tracer 4% stacking 5x debuffs are not working. Test it yourself. Fire off 10 tracers in a row. The damage will be the same every time. 20% lower armor on all targets will impact dps. It should be interacting with BOTH high velocity (35% more armorpen) and heatseeker marks (25% more damage).


With the 20% armor debuff missing, damage across the board is severely limited as arsenal spec.

Edited by JustTray
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I went over DPS logs and unfortunately everything is working property. From a programming stand point everything is working properly on test dummies. Unfortunately they were nerfed into oblivion.


This is not true. Please do not say this ever again without posting your actual numbers.


I have tested on my dummy multiple times. Tracer missle damage is not increasing each hit, IE NOT BENEFITTING FROM THE ARMOR DEBUFF OF 4% PER STACK.


If it was, the damage values would be ever increasing after the first 3 hits. It is VERY easy to test.


If I am wrong it is because the warzone training dummies are not working, but I have verified that the debuff does not come into play on the dummy while the HSM 25% damage increase DOES work, and the high velocity 35% armor pen DOES work as well.


Only the 4% stacking armor debuff is confirmed to not be working.


So please, again, show your numbers and your math, or leave the BS out of here.

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This is not true. Please do not say this ever again without posting your actual numbers.


I have tested on my dummy multiple times. Tracer missle damage is not increasing each hit, IE NOT BENEFITTING FROM THE ARMOR DEBUFF OF 4% PER STACK.


If it was, the damage values would be ever increasing after the first 3 hits. It is VERY easy to test.


If I am wrong it is because the warzone training dummies are not working, but I have verified that the debuff does not come into play on the dummy while the HSM 25% damage increase DOES work, and the high velocity 35% armor pen DOES work as well.


Only the 4% stacking armor debuff is confirmed to not be working.


So please, again, show your numbers and your math, or leave the BS out of here.


I hope you are right, but going by the other thread with actual posted logs it appears to be working. Leaving the BS out of here on my own thread. Ha crazy guys. If you notice the minimum hit/maximum hit is well over the 25% threshold. Not sure if its the test dummy he is using or what.



Quote: Originally Posted by Tel-Rune


I'm doing some tests on the operations training target MK-5 right now.

I am currently lvl 50, full augmented orange gear with rakata lvl 58 mods/armoring/enhancements/barrels lvl 56 crystals and lvl 50 augments in 8 pieces of gear, black hole ear, matrix cube, columi relic , rakata implant, augmented columi implant and orange bracers and belt with 58 mods/armoring.


This test is being done self buffed with Hunters Boon only and high velocity gas cylinder.


Ranged Stats

Damage 674-903

Damage 80-149

Bonus Damage 406.3

Accuracy 101.61%

Crit Chance 39.66%

Crit Multiplier 69.74%



Bonus Damage 715.8

Bonus Healing 492.6

Accuracy 111.61%

Crit Chance 40.78%

Crit Multiplier 69.74%

Activation Speed 0.00%


my spec is 7-34-0


I tested 20 shots of heatseeker with no heat signatures and 20 with 5 heat signatures here are my results


no heat sigs






















5 heat sigs






















So there is some raw data for you

This is the sort of damage range that I also see. These are the numbers other players seem to be getting. The range of damage for HSM was higher in patch 1.15e.

Edited by Wrestle
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That is testing heatseeker. If it was working correctly we wouldn't be expecting 25% increase, we would expect 25% PLUS the 20% armor penetration, which will probably be another ~10% damage.


It blows my mind that people look at that math and think everything is ok. That's why the Tracer debuff needs to have it's own thread so retarded devs can realize they are TWO DIFFERENT ISSUES.


HSM Is gaining 25% damage. It should ALSO be gaining 20% armor pen or 4% per stack of heat signature. It is not. In fact, no skill is gaining this benefit, which is why dps is down nearly 10-15% across the board.

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That is testing heatseeker. If it was working correctly we wouldn't be expecting 25% increase, we would expect 25% PLUS the 20% armor penetration, which will probably be another ~10% damage.


It blows my mind that people look at that math and think everything is ok. That's why the Tracer debuff needs to have it's own thread so retarded devs can realize they are TWO DIFFERENT ISSUES.


HSM Is gaining 25% damage. It should ALSO be gaining 20% armor pen or 4% per stack of heat signature. It is not. In fact, no skill is gaining this benefit, which is why dps is down nearly 10-15% across the board.


I agree with your assesment all abilities do seem to hit for less. By this guys figures though he is hitting about 40% harder across the board with TM. If he was only hitting for 25% more than his lowest hits would be in the 1750 range eand he doesn't have one in that low. It could be just chance and I'll take your word for it. This is using a general from low to high hits are before and after TMs. What dummy are you using? I have a friend thats has a BH who I can get to test it as well.. thx

Edited by Wrestle
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Was testing TM/HSM/heat sig issues on ships OP dummy and Ilum 50 level mobs. Tracer missile is not getting heat signature debuff, heat signature is not working on ship OP dummy as my HSM was hitting steady 1600 all the time with or without HS.


On Ilum mobs hs increases HSM damage but Im not sure whether it appliess armor debuff.

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This thread is a perfect example of the community working against itself and ruining any coherence previously attained through various threads and empirically conducted threads.


JustTray got it right. Do not, for your own sake, dilute the points he make by citing anecdotal pseudo-evidence that isn't even presented in the form of an actual log by an acknowledged parser. Do not, for your own sake, dilute the importance of the point that he makes. It is the crux of the matter here.


You're suffering from a broken class. If you want this situation resolved you have to pick your battles and work coherently for the right issues. Right now the way you guys are going about it is horrible and a full-on retardation of the advances that has been made since this bug has surfaced. Don't go there.

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