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interesting observation


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So I was bored, shooting at the training dummy and noticed something... rapid shots does 40 to 50% of normal damage by itself.


I was hitting for 500-600 dps with ONLY rapid shots it seemed to balance out after a long time to 560dps


now using full rotation i have been getting 1100 to 1200 on the dummys. This puts rapid shots as somewhere around 50% dps rate. I totally did not expect this, I expected it to be much lower.


I am going to do some testing of HSM/Exdart/rail/single tick of unload rolled into there to try to work out a "mobile rotation" and see what kind of dps we can put out.


Now yes 50% reduction in dps is huge but it is nothing compared to the loss of sniper when moving.


I think I just always under-rated rapid shots and figured I would share.

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I've noticed this too. After switching to pyro and turning on combustion, the rapid shot is probably the best attack. I just run around in pvp shooting rapids and throwing grenades. Plus if you can get a slowing effect from one of the trees. Best thing is no heat. I actually find it easy to keep heat down unless I get carried away, in which getting carried away doesn't help much and hurts more than help. If that makes any sense.
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