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Lawrichai's Illustrations - SWtoR Fan Art =^.^=


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This is very touching ^^


I need to get better! Work faster! =^.^=

Thank you all for your constant support



<3 Jedielf ^^


<3 Lawrichai!!!


I was away for a bit, (burnout and money issues), but now I'm back and i'm so glad to see you're still here!


I can't wait to see that the new vector art, I got chills just looking at the preview. :eek:

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<3 Lawrichai!!!


I was away for a bit, (burnout and money issues), but now I'm back and i'm so glad to see you're still here!


I can't wait to see that the new vector art, I got chills just looking at the preview. :eek:


i knoooow. i keep trying to see what's reflected in those eyes~

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  • 2 weeks later...

oh if you knew... the difficulties I'm facing, drawing so much skin! :p


Actually I've been stuck for a whole week on how to draw his shoulders properly; muscles, collar bones, lighting, ...

UGH! I need a model! ><



Maybe I should leave it be for a while and work on his hair instead... then give you another teaser ^^

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oh if you knew... the difficulties I'm facing, drawing so much skin! :p


Actually I've been stuck for a whole week on how to draw his shoulders properly; muscles, collar bones, lighting, ...

UGH! I need a model! ><



Maybe I should leave it be for a while and work on his hair instead... then give you another teaser ^^


wantwantwantwantwant :D

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oh if you knew... the difficulties I'm facing, drawing so much skin! :p


Actually I've been stuck for a whole week on how to draw his shoulders properly; muscles, collar bones, lighting, ...

UGH! I need a model! ><



Maybe I should leave it be for a while and work on his hair instead... then give you another teaser ^^


Ohh yes please!



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Oh.. Scourge. I know you can't romance him but.. he's fabulous. You should draw him after you're done with Vector. ;o


Oh this ^^ Please Lawrichai? Hey, read my fic, lol. It's only on part 2 so far, but if you like Scourge, you might like this story. JK<3Scourge!

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Dang you'll be giving me tons of homework!


I mean, the guy is huge, and I don't mean physically...

O.o how to illustrate him?

I just know enough ... to know that I know NOTHING about the whole back story behind the character, AND his role in SWtoR!


Just from all the research I had to do for Quinn, since I haven't experienced him personally... Scourge will be like that multiplied by OVER 9000!!! :eek:

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Dang you'll be giving me tons of homework!


I mean, the guy is huge, and I don't mean physically...

O.o how to illustrate him?

I just know enough ... to know that I know NOTHING about the whole back story behind the character, AND his role in SWtoR!


Just from all the research I had to do for Quinn, since I haven't experienced him personally... Scourge will be like that multiplied by OVER 9000!!! :eek:



But so so worth it, he is one of the most in depth characters in the entire game. /dreamy sigh, Scourge fan girls unite!

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Dang you'll be giving me tons of homework!


I mean, the guy is huge, and I don't mean physically...

O.o how to illustrate him?

I just know enough ... to know that I know NOTHING about the whole back story behind the character, AND his role in SWtoR!


Just from all the research I had to do for Quinn, since I haven't experienced him personally... Scourge will be like that multiplied by OVER 9000!!! :eek:


My heart would stop if you drew Scourge... but I would die happy :) I'm content just waiting for Vector though <3 I took a peek at the teaser again... eeeee.

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My heart would stop if you drew Scourge... but I would die happy :) I'm content just waiting for Vector though <3 I took a peek at the teaser again... eeeee.

Agreed!! On both Scourge and Vector. (My agent just got proposed to...so dang sweet...and the hand on the booty was pretty funny.) Looking forward to Vector much :D

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Agreed!! On both Scourge and Vector. (My agent just got proposed to...so dang sweet...and the hand on the booty was pretty funny.) Looking forward to Vector much :D


I remember watching the vid and having to back up and relook at the kiss because I wasn't sure if I saw what I thought I saw. I saw it. And I loved it. Can't wait for Brei to get that far... all three of her.

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  • 4 weeks later...

...slowly but surely, Vector is coming to life!


For all of you who waits so patiently, here is a second teaser <3

Thank you for your constant support ^^



EDIT: I added the first teaser in case you were curious about the evolution between the two ;)






Edited by Lawrichai
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