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Lawrichai's Illustrations - SWtoR Fan Art =^.^=


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Thanks all for your support ^^

It's hard not being able to work on such a pleasant sight, I mean, my current Vector illustration.

Until I get together a brand new computer, I won't be able to touch him again.


=^.^= I only have his handsome face done, all the rest still needs lots of work.


For those interested, since it'll take a while before you can see him, I'll tease you with a description of the scene:



Vector is in his original customization

He's naked, we have a nice view of his face and chest

He's got his black gaze straight on you, his hair untangled

One of his hand is extended towards you

and behind him you see.... the ceiling! <3



I'll let you wonder what quote inspired me.




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Maybe sometime if you get the chance you could do one of default Vector with his lovely black eyes...Just a hope on my part, I'm still enjoying Malavai...*licks monitor some more* :p


very musch looking forward to the vector pic :3

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  • 3 weeks later...


After a whole month of drawing starvation, I got my new computer :D


I will be able to resume my drawing of Vector <3

(and start playing SWtoR again)


I'm so happy I'll give you a teaser: Those sweet dark eyes... =^.^=





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I am new to the forums (although not new to SWToR) and I absolutely love your work. The detail is incredible; you convey the emotion of the moment so well. I don't have a favourite (although Vector IS my favourite ;) ) because they are all wonderful in their own ways.


I love the teaser of the Vector you are working on ... I can't wait to see the finished product. :)

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After a whole month of drawing starvation, I got my new computer :D


I will be able to resume my drawing of Vector <3

(and start playing SWtoR again)


I'm so happy I'll give you a teaser: Those sweet dark eyes... =^.^=





*claws at screen* OM NOM NOM NOM NOM wispy not-greased-to-head hair YUSSSSSS

...excuse me...i seem to have melted into a puddle on my seat, can someone scrape me up?

Edited by Crezelle
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*claws at screen* OM NOM NOM NOM NOM wispy not-greased-to-head hair YUSSSSSS

...excuse me...i seem to have melted into a puddle on my seat, can someone scrape me up?



*helps Crezelle up* You know... I'm a little scared but when I wrote The Plan story for the Story Fic Thread, I mentioned that Vector-pretending-to-be-Jedi had his hair down around his face rather than slicked back. This is exactly what I was thinking.


Lawrichai, thank you for reading my mind. Even though I know you didn't read that story. I'm really excited to see this.


*steadies Crezelle*

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*helps Crezelle up* You know... I'm a little scared but when I wrote The Plan story for the Story Fic Thread, I mentioned that Vector-pretending-to-be-Jedi had his hair down around his face rather than slicked back. This is exactly what I was thinking.


Lawrichai, thank you for reading my mind. Even though I know you didn't read that story. I'm really excited to see this.


*steadies Crezelle*

hehehe apologies.... vector put completely aside, hair is one of the biggest factors on what i find attrative in a guy >.>;;;



why jorgan WHY can't you have that sexy cathar lion mane?! my trooper would bury her face in it all day long


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You know... I'm a little scared but when I wrote The Plan story for the Story Fic Thread, I mentioned that Vector-pretending-to-be-Jedi had his hair down around his face rather than slicked back. This is exactly what I was thinking.


Lawrichai, thank you for reading my mind. Even though I know you didn't read that story. I'm really excited to see this.



...and how about linking that story right here? ;) I would like to read it . :D

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hehehe apologies.... vector put completely aside, hair is one of the biggest factors on what i find attrative in a guy >.>;;;


Oh I hear you! It's even somewhat of a fetish to me ;)


why jorgan WHY can't you have that sexy cathar lion mane?! my trooper would bury her face in it all day long


I'll keep that idea in mind... :cool:

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Thanks, Lawrichai, for wanting to read the story. The hair is only mentioned once when I have my sniper do a once over of Vector and my operative. I don't know how to put links into the words, herp derp, so I'll just paste it here.





A image of Vector with his hair "down" and opaque eye shields came to mind long before the story ever did.

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Oh I hear you! It's even somewhat of a fetish to me ;)





was gonna say that myself, but i feel sheepish already drooling over your thread



* sneaks another peek at the teaser, grins, goes and steals her vector's hair wax, comes back for another peak, ***** head back and starts drooling, homer simpson style*



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After a whole month of drawing starvation, I got my new computer :D


I will be able to resume my drawing of Vector <3

(and start playing SWtoR again)


I'm so happy I'll give you a teaser: Those sweet dark eyes... =^.^=






Please ma'am may I have some more??

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