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Nerf bypassed?


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Id like to start a thread specific to combat medics and how they are coping with the nerf and also to see whether there are other like me who have seemed to bypass it completely.


I have recently been queueing with ym favorite tanks from my server, Ajunta Pall, and since most tanks werent really touched by the latest patch survivability is less dependent on them but still helpful in PvP. With a 33/8/0 tree i have been able to humbly avg 300k+ healing in a match (that is if it is moderate length and moderate action ie: a ful voidstar wuith no doors being broken would be insanely long got 600k yesterday.)


With spliting ammo effiecentcy using Reserve Cell when ever im full health (or able to atleasrt cast another heal) and theres alot of healing to be done and only using the reload buff (buffed in combat medic tree aswell) when i have 3 or less ammo.


After about a week or experimenting and tyring some tips i found online with new drastic effiency techniques i can pull the same numbers like pre 1.2 on average(not saying everygame, hell most games i get 2+ Sent/ Mar on me and thats a B**** to heal through) with a good tank gaurding me,


Please share your techniques so we can make the combat medic viable again.

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The thing is that when you are only really viable because another class has to be around to guard you, that's a problem in my opinion. You should still be a viable healer without being guarded. I've noticed on 2 different healing classes now, that 1.2 has drastically reduced my time to live in any PvP encounter if I don't have a guard. If that's the direction they want to go then that's their decision. But I won't be subscribing to support it. Edited by Grymtusk
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I don't play heals so I can only go on what others have said about the healing nerf.


My questions is do you heal/survive as well as other healer classes in a WZ? If you were to plan a ranked WZ and you had the best players of every class/AC/basic build available to you to pick, would you pick a commando healer? In PVE is there a reason not to invite a commando healer on a nightmare operation, or is there a reason a commando healer would be preferred?


I don't know the answers to these questions for a medic.

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I dont find commando healer worst then any other healer... If you know how to play them. What I mean is a lots of people only remember the commando healer being able to use all is healing skill without ever use Hammer shot.


Now you have to use it some time. I make some guys in my guild use it and they became way better then some Sage.


Yes, commando healer are too much single target, making place where you get high amount of damage on all the group harder for them...


But remember a thing, it's not the job of the healer to make you better and survive, it's your job to avoid max damage. Befor, a bad player was helped by healer, now... if you have a bad player... You wipe!

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PvE wise Commando healers have a different role as all healing classes are different play styles since commandos are single target a commando healer would be useful to sustain your main tank and spike heal dying single targets, now i do think a commando healer shouldn't be the "main" healer because they are weaker in the aoe and multi target healing where scoundrels and sages excel. Also in PvP i do think a guard is important because the point of PvP is a team where a tank should be guarding the healer anyway and if a dps role is to mostly kill single key targets i feel a healer is quite useless if not guarded.
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There are no PvE op fights in the entire game that favor the Commando Healer. There are several fights that severely punish bringing commando healers.


LOL what are you talking about?? Our guild demands a mix of CM and Sage healers when doing Ops. The reason is simple: Both classes have huge benefits and severe restrictions.


Benefits: The Sage can burst-heal an incredible amount of health. The CM can heal the same for very long periods of time.


Downsides: The Sage now has trouble maintaining high Force, and after bursting can be drained quickly. The CM can't heal multiple people all being hit at the same time.


The combination works wonders, but one without the other would get the raid killed. If the tanks are doing their jobs effectively, there's no need to be able to constantly heal the entire raid.

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LOL what are you talking about?? Our guild demands a mix of CM and Sage healers when doing Ops. The reason is simple: Both classes have huge benefits and severe restrictions.


Benefits: The Sage can burst-heal an incredible amount of health. The CM can heal the same for very long periods of time.


Downsides: The Sage now has trouble maintaining high Force, and after bursting can be drained quickly. The CM can't heal multiple people all being hit at the same time.


The combination works wonders, but one without the other would get the raid killed. If the tanks are doing their jobs effectively, there's no need to be able to constantly heal the entire raid.


This is very true. We had a Commando assigned to heal the main tank and a Sage assigned to heal the off-tank (me) along with everyone else. It worked FAR better than when we had two sages. Said raid was last night.

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