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The Community......Servers....the game......


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You guys are so ignorant to each other. People have a right to voice ones opinions. They paid just like you, anywhere from 60.00 to 100 something depending on what version they initally bought. They pay the 15.00 a month fee just like you too.


Being a female and an adult I rarely post on here due to the fact that this is one harsh and arrogant community.


But I will post this as I am no longer a sub to this game due to the issues that's currently active.


There are problems with the community, way too many servers, and yes the population is too spread out.

For those of you that luckily picked a server that has kept a decent population in tact, good for you, but dont disregard the others. The other people, just like myself, had chosen a busy server, heck, Black vulk had a que initially, but its just another server with a dead population. People are frustrated, people are leaving, and while you may not see this (again because of the LUCK of being on the right server), dont think for a minute that people have all the time in the world to simply reroll on "your" server. You have to take into consideration the available time people have. People have lives, families, work, etc... not everyone is a high school student or in college or unemployeed and can play for hours on end. Lots of people spent hours working on multiple mains, alts, their legacy...etc.. and rerolling just isnt an option. It just upsets me the way some of you speak to others who are crying out for help in hopes that the company they paid money to and keep paying money to monthly, will fix the problem. There is no community on most servers either. Like I read, if your in a guild your more than likely running stuff, but for those casual players looking to run a quick dungeon, put in a level here and there, or grab a red bull and dive into some pvp, its just not happening on the majority of servers. Give them a break, try to understand what they are feeling, "put yourself in their shoes" or at least try. Instead I see you guys simply bashing them and name calling and all it does is make you look really stupid.


Lastly the game, the game is a good game, most people will agree. BW has fixed bugs, had a good release, and has been pushing content as fast as they can as a company. The problem comes down to the hard core raiders. There just isnt enough raid content, but tell me a game that there ever was or is? :) I mean, I read many many forums for a lot of games, and honestly, the only raids I see people still working on is in RIFT. WoW's raids have been full cleared, Swtor's full cleared, EQ/EQ2 fully cleared, etc etc... They added a decent amount of content with 1.2 and 1.3 should bring even more, but without a sense of "Community" updates render useless.


This isnt just a problem in this game, its a problem in general. This young generation wants things now, and they all feel obligated. They also feel if its not their way its the wrong way etc.... a life lesson , that sort of attitude wont get you anywhere. All I ask is that you guys try to understand whats happening here and how people are feelng.

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This isnt just a problem in this game, its a problem in general. This young generation wants things now, and they all feel obligated. They also feel if its not their way its the wrong way etc.... a life lesson , that sort of attitude wont get you anywhere. All I ask is that you guys try to understand whats happening here and how people are feelng.


:D You forgot to add "Get off mah lawn!!!" ^_^ (j/k I say that to my younger guildies, and I'm "just" 34.)


You bring up a lot of good points. On the other side of all your arguments, I'd like to say "It's just a game. So what if you have to re-roll to get on a server with a decent population?"


I understand people that get attached to their characters, and they put a lot of hard work into them, and while server xfers WOULD be nice (and I imagine they're working on getting them available, I think they've even mentioned it somewhere), it doesn't do any good to come in lamenting about it.

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The problem comes down to the hard core raiders.


While you made some very valid points in your post, I have a problem with this above. I am a raider, I'm not in a hardcore guild but I choose to raid regularly and I do not think that the whole of the community issues are to be put on hard core raiders doorstep. For starters, why is it not those who hard core PvP for complaining about classes that get nerfed so people unsub? Why isn't it the casual population who took 3 months and longer to get to 50 who now find they are without groups because they took their time so they unsub? Why isn't it BW's fault for not anticipating the ghost servers so people are left LFG for hours then unsub? Why isn't it game breaking performance issues or bugs that still aren't fixed months after launch that make people unsub?


Yes, hard core raiders burning through content means they unsub quicker, but generally speaking, these types of players who eat content and aren't prepared to wait for more, aren't the ones that stay with a game long term anyway. I'm sorry, but there are numerous issues with what is a brilliant game and blaming the hard core raiders for them all is in my opinion a little unfair and unwarranted. Just my opinion.

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I have responded to forums where people are upset about thier server population. i have never called them names or say "just re-roll". i have however, suggested that they re-roll on different servers until server transfers happen for the following reasons; test the waters and find the right server for you, try different classes or factions to see how much this game has to offer, and you may find an awsome guild on one of those servers and when the server transfers happen, BAM!! you have a new home and you have your old characters in that new home.


Our guild just recruited some new members who are re-rolls and two of them have already stated that they love the guild and they are definitely choosing our server as thier new home and bringing thier characters over. the reason they re-rolled is because they wanted to keep playing the game and play it with other people. should the community and the game be in this predicament? no, but what's done is done.


most of the people who are blasting those who are upset about thier server being low pop are people on high pop servers and don't understand. the server i am on is light-standard, but it is very active, so i do not know what it is like being lonely on the fleet, but i try to us some empathy (i know, right :eek:) to try to understand what people are going for, which is why i opened up our guild to players without a home.

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Many of the people who respond with a simple "reroll on my server" are either trolls or just not putting themselves in other shoes.


Being on a good server can cloud the vision so it is understandable. Also, being on the internet in general will bring out the VERY BEST in some individuals when it comes to constructive discussions. lol


I see transfers coming. They are not soon enough for a lot of people but they are coming.


My issues with the community, and this can be on the most populated server, is that there is a lack of one. We don't have server forums, we can't talk with the other faction, and chatting is so detached that you never really feel it involves you.


On top of that, these forums are just a pool of negativity. Luckily many players who enjoy this game do not use the forums much and those who do have the ability to get through it all without wanting to throw things at the monitor. lol


My advice to others who are hurting with population, hang in there. Maybe take a break from the game or make a new character just to goof around on. Transfers are coming. Keep yourself busy enough to work though this time frame and then make your move once you can. You could start looking at potential servers to move to by making characters and running around on those servers soon. :D:wea_03:

Edited by Cynomen
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