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1.2 Best PvP Specs


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1. make heal debuff cleansable if healing is going to be all out weaker or nerf interrupts

2. lower survivability of dps tanks, or make it impossible to combine the two

3. re-balance damage output of the top performing classes, never is it a good idea to keep increasing damage and healing output


I'm kinda thinking the opposite with regard to the healing debuffs and interrupts. The healing debuff is good not being dispellable and interrupts need longer cooldowns but actually lock out several spells at once. Penalize the healer for getting locked out and give gains to players for hitting their interrupts. With that being said damage reduction would have to be increased a lot higher from expertise and things like guard's % should be reduced. Slow the damage and healing down. Would also like to see a cooldown on guard for none full tanked specced classes, but i don't want it removed from them. Switching stances to guard is a good mechanic and we need more of that in this game.


Peeling for healers is useless, you are better off dpsing down players. Killing healers first is pointless, they run out of resource and its best to leave them alive.. Like... what is this!?!?


Why they changed resource return on healers is beyond me. Love your videos btw.

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To criticize this video is so outrageous. How can you delusional nimwits not see that everything he's said is spot on.


Do you have no good marauders on your server? Because on mine, people stack 2 in a 4 man and go around sweeping at the same time on targets insta gibbing everything. They slot a tank assassin which does way too much damage for the survivability that class has, and then a healer of choice. Powertechs are also doing about 60% of peoples life with one railshot/sticky, send an assassin with powertech train, then a separate double sweep train, and you are just instantly killing everything. Don't even get me started on snipers shared tree. Lordy... their channel double debuff is 50%ing people as well.


Unbelievable some people.... unbelievable.


This game is DONE. hear me? DONE.


Perfect 8 man:





gunslinger-shared tree

tank shadow

scoundrel healer x2


am i credible? yes. my guild does this and we havn't lost a single warzone since 1.2. we've actually killed our server


I play an infiltration shadow. I am incredibly squishy, and I see marauders frequently. I don't seem to have the problem you do. The counter is not standing there while they do their AoE. Sure, sometimes you're CCed, and that's how it goes. The point is, for a supposedly overly offensive game right now, I'm surviving plenty long enough to do my thing.

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