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Legacy name... grrr


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The link I got it from is closed. (yeah it were the old swtor forums)


About not even knowing what legacy was, back in november they already said the name would go across all your chars on a server. It does not say permanent in this link but the post where I got my info says "No Thread specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator". My guess is the old forums are goners but saying you did not even know what legacy was prior to december...well...there was info given before launch. You only needed to look.


and I'm beta player plus pre-ordered back in 2010 with my local retailer and yes I also played pre-launch.


Once your character has completed their Chapter 1 storyline, they will be able to choose a Legacy Last Name. This Legacy Last Name must be unique and is shared across all characters on that server – so choose carefully!


This goes to what I was saying in my other post.. People thought the legacy name was a last name.. Which is how many people were picking it.. As a last name.. So it had to fit all your characters.. Again no info it was permanent.. So nobody saw harm picking one and if they didn't like it, they would change it.. Nobody knew it was permant until after the fact.. Which makes it a Bioware issue.. We the player did not have enough info to make a proper permanent choice.. I would have take different steps had I known it was permenant.. As would a lot of other people..

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This goes to what I was saying in my other post.. People thought the legacy name was a last name.. Which is how many people were picking it.. As a last name.. So it had to fit all your characters.. Again no info it was permanent.. So nobody saw harm picking one and if they didn't like it, they would change it.. Nobody knew it was permant until after the fact.. Which makes it a Bioware issue.. We the player did not have enough info to make a proper permanent choice.. I would have take different steps had I known it was permenant.. As would a lot of other people..



You did not bother to read where i said that there was also a topic on the forum where it said it was permanent but it got removed right ? (old swtor forum comment ?)


Just saying...


but no worries, legacy namechange will come. Most likely for a price. It is only on their very bottom of a to do list in this game...

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Cant that be said for legacy period?? It is about me.. A paying customer.. And a lot of other folks that don't like their legacy names and had no warning it would be permanent.. It is biowares problem because I pay them.. I did not have a warning dialogue when I created my legacy.. That makes it their problem..


This attitude makes me want to wretch. Every problem you have is not immediately the problem of businesses you associate with. These people work for Bioware. They don't work for you. You are a customer of Bioware. That does not mean that you own the company. If you do not want to use their product because of this feature you are free to cancel your subscription and find some other game to play. They do not personally owe it to you to act on every whim you have.


Being the customer doesn't make you the boss. It makes you a customer.


Have you ever heard of the world entitlement?


This is what it is.


Do you want to know how people with attitudes of entitlement are viewed?


I'll give you a clue....it isn't viewed as a positive trait.

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This goes to what I was saying in my other post.. People thought the legacy name was a last name.. Which is how many people were picking it.. As a last name.. So it had to fit all your characters.. Again no info it was permanent.. So nobody saw harm picking one and if they didn't like it, they would change it.. Nobody knew it was permant until after the fact.. Which makes it a Bioware issue.. We the player did not have enough info to make a proper permanent choice.. I would have take different steps had I known it was permenant.. As would a lot of other people..


That's basically what it is. A last name. They want you to treat all the characters you have on the same server as one big "family". And just like you might be stuck with a crappy last name in real life, you're stuck with yours here too. For now, at least. I envision a time when, just as in real life, you will be able to legally change your Legacy name. And also, just as in real life, it won't be free either.


You think you've got it bad here in SWTOR? Imagine my poor friend in real life. Last name Butkiss. No joke.

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Actually that's the worst way considering you had no idea whether it would be permanent or not.


Why would I assume something was permanent when I have no info that says it would be?? Bioware made it perfectly clear in the game that your AC would be a permanent choice.. Even in the early betas.. We never got to test legacy in the beta.. All we had was a screen that said comming soon.. It was a tab attached to your talent trees screen.. We (the beta testers) thought it might be dual speccing..


So it would be some what stupid to assume something was permanent unless there was something telling you it was.. That would be like assuming that your crew skills are permenant and that you can't change them.. Bioware needs to let us the player know when something is a permanent choice.. Otherwise we will act as if it isn't in the absence of any information that says it is.. We all knew from the very start that our AC was permenent.. We were not only told in dialogue boxes, but in the conversations with the quest givers and trainers as welll..

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You think you've got it bad here in SWTOR? Imagine my poor friend in real life. Last name Butkiss. No joke.


In real life you can change your family name if you got a valid reason, it will cost ya.

Works pretty much the same as mmo's. Give money, we change.


Legacy namechange will come, just have to be very patient. In the meantime choose hide. (I do the same for chars I dont want to see my name on. Not because I hate my legacy but a chiss with a human surname. Meh)

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There has been a discussion on this multiple times. (which was simply found in search)


Find me a yellow post.. Written by someone from bioware.. Not someone else's speculation..


Quote: Originally Posted by StephenReid


While speculation and conversation are fine, I'd suggest you should not make assumptions until a feature is formally announced.


Good advice..

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If you do not want to use their product because of this feature you are free to cancel your subscription and find some other game to play.


That is true, if we dont like the product we will cancel the subscription. The Legacy name alone will not make me cancel my subscription, but it adds to the list of problems I have with the game as it stands now.


I know there are many threads about the Legacy name, but they still havent done anything about it, so I made a new one. Focus on a problem usually helps and it is a big deal for me. I dont want to hide my Legacy name, I want other ppl to know how good / bad I am in pvp and maybe next time they recognize the name for good and bad...

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That is true, if we dont like the product we will cancel the subscription. The Legacy name alone will not make me cancel my subscription, but it adds to the list of problems I have with the game as it stands now.


I know there are many threads about the Legacy name, but they still havent done anything about it, so I made a new one. Focus on a problem usually helps and it is a big deal for me. I dont want to hide my Legacy name, I want other ppl to know how good / bad I am in pvp and maybe next time they recognize the name for good and bad...


The problem is that making multiple threads about the same topic is the opposite of focus.


Just curious.....what is the legacy name that you are so ashamed of?

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Find me a yellow post.. Written by someone from bioware.. Not someone else's speculation..


Old forums are closed. /repeat *stuck in a rut, stuck in a rut, stuck in a rut*


Hey look a nice brick wall, let's see if it talks back.


No use to talk, if i keep repeating myself the comment about legacy has been removed from the old forums since they're whiped and you keep asking for that comment.

Edited by Kirameki
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In either case here folks..


The OP started a this topic.. Whether or not Bioware allows legacy changes doesn't effect any of you and it doesn't effect game play..


I support legacy name changes.. Both my wife and I feel victim to lack of information from Bioware.. The fact that I can hide it is irrelevent.. Anyone who says that is basically saying that people are not entitled to legacy names they like..


As for priority?? This is an issue that isn't going away.. The added dialogue is nice, but it does nothing for the people that made the choice without the proper information.. Fixing that issue is a part of customer service and is a high priority..


I just fail to understand why anyone would say anything negative about this issue or to anyone that wants to change their legacy.. Again, it doesn't effect them and it doesn't effect game play.. So why do any of you care whether or not anyone else can change their legacy name??

Edited by MajikMyst
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Let me change my bloody Legacy name already! Everytime I log on, I am reminded of my silly Legacy and that I can't change it, not even if I delete all my chars on the server. Yeah yeah I should have paid more attention when I picked my Legacy name, but I didnt.


Read an article from BioWare on pcworld about doing "anything and everything" to keep players logging in, well start by letting me change my Legacy name. Your whole char is defined around this Legacy system and if you for some reason picked something stupid or silly that only fits one of your chars then you are stuck with it and everytime you log on with another char you are reminded of how stupid that choice was and maybe you should start playing on another server, but your friends are on this one.. Play a some hours on another server, maybe try playing Republic more, but you have more fun with Empire and then you realize you are just wasting time on that server, maybe wasting time playing swtor?




Well, hope I can change my Legacy name soon.




Edit: Sorry another Legacy name change thread... ;)


Get enough people to report your name and they might force you to change it :D

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Get enough people to report your name and they might force you to change it :D


Won't work.



Even then BioWare has to see a reason to change it. They will sense the difference between spamming for a forced change and an actual valid reason for a change.


Trust me, some tried.

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Old forums are closed. /repeat *stuck in a rut, stuck in a rut, stuck in a rut*


Hey look a nice brick wall, let's see if it talks back.


Ok.. They are closed.. It was pointless search anyways.. I knew there was no bioware info about the names being permanent.. There was speculation abound.. Everyone had their own ideas as to what legacy would be like.. None of really new much of anything until 1.2 was released.. Other than our names were permenant.. There was again speculation abound as to what you would get, what you would unlock, countless dream threads of what people were hoping for.. But no solid information. The closest we got to hints was that 1.2 preview..

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Why would I assume something was permanent when I have no info that says it would be?? Bioware made it perfectly clear in the game that your AC would be a permanent choice.. Even in the early betas.. We never got to test legacy in the beta.. All we had was a screen that said comming soon.. It was a tab attached to your talent trees screen.. We (the beta testers) thought it might be dual speccing..


So it would be some what stupid to assume something was permanent unless there was something telling you it was.. That would be like assuming that your crew skills are permenant and that you can't change them.. Bioware needs to let us the player know when something is a permanent choice.. Otherwise we will act as if it isn't in the absence of any information that says it is.. We all knew from the very start that our AC was permenent.. We were not only told in dialogue boxes, but in the conversations with the quest givers and trainers as welll..



As I said before there were several interviews with the Dev team where they said the Legacy name would be permanent and would be attached to all characters. The old Forum had the information pre launch as well.


If you don't like your legacy name don't display it. You have 3 options in how it is displayed. Last name, Title or off!


You made the mistake of assuming period! You assumed that it was not permanent. You should not have assumed anything you should have researched.


Again turn it off until you can change it! Though I will assure you they are not going to let you change it for free when the time comes!

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I was aware early on that legacy was permanent and that it would not be changeable so I put a lot of thought into mine and how it would look on various races and such... So I agree with most of the people here who say "maybe just don't pick a silly name?"


However.... if I was the company I would implement a charge for changing legacy names. That is, a real-money charge (not in-game credits). So I do think the ability to change should be implemented, but at a cost.

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