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Force camo


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Sucks! Not what I thought it was. I thought that using this would drop agro 100% for a few seconds but instead mobs continue targeting and firing on me most of the time untill I'm dead ***!!! Is this working as intended or did 1.2 make it buggy??? Any thoughts?
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Sucks! Not what I thought it was. I thought that using this would drop agro 100% for a few seconds but instead mobs continue targeting and firing on me most of the time untill I'm dead ***!!! Is this working as intended or did 1.2 make it buggy??? Any thoughts?


Are you soloing with no companion? If you are force camo wont do crap for ya. Its mainly used in FPs and Ops and when you want a mob to mash on your companion.

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Sucks! Not what I thought it was. I thought that using this would drop agro 100% for a few seconds but instead mobs continue targeting and firing on me most of the time untill I'm dead ***!!! Is this working as intended or did 1.2 make it buggy??? Any thoughts?


No it does not suck. You obviously don't understand how it, and threat, works. Let me explain. Force Camo is not an aggro drop but a threat drop. The two are not the same thing. The way threat works is best describe using a table metaphor. You've got a list with all the members of your group in it and their threat values. Whoever is at the top has aggro. If you're by yourself, either you or your companion will be at the top. If your companion dies, you move up and take aggro.


What Force Camo does is drop your threat down to a flat percentage below whatever the lowest threat value is, I forget the specific values. The short version is it just sticks you at the bottom of the list. It does NOT take you out of combat, which would be what would be needed to drop "aggro". So what you need to do is pop it, let your companion tank, and run like a mofo to get the mobs to reset. If you can't get away in time, sorry but Camo is NOT a true stealth. It never was and never will be.

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i agree with you 95% only thing i dont agree on is force camp not being a true stealth. i use it to bypass elite mobs all the time :D especially getting the endurance datacron on alderaan! it worked wonders for me! Edited by Lawnmow
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Just want to reiterate what force camo ALSO does- please read the actual text for the skill:


Obscures yourself with the Force, becoming difficult to detect, reducing your threat towards all enemies, reducing all damage taken by 50%, and increasing movement speed by 30%. Lasts 4 seconds. Dealing direct damage ends the effect prematurely.


Anyone else use this all the time just for the 50% damage reduction and 30% movement speed boost?

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