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The Community has been...Good!


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So I mostly just lurk around here, reading threads, watching people fight and hate each other, and occasionally participating in conversations, but I just want to say that I've so far had a great experience with other community members, despite what a lot of the tone of the Forums tends to be!


I've had several good conversations here on the forums, numerous excellent groups (on Republic AND Imperial characters), and generally a blast! People have been understanding, kind, and helpful overall! From the Bounty Hunter who walked me through all the datacrons on Hutta and Korriban to the two jedi and the trooper who joined me for a plague-filled dance off while we waited for Trapjaw to respawn, to the level 50 sith who saw me questing around on Hoth back at level 38 or something and paused to wave at me before continuing on his way.


Given the amount of negativity and whining I see on the Forums I'm really pleased to report that I've had an excellent time with the community so far and I hope that it continues to improve!


And if I've just been lucky so far, then bully for me! If I'm just on a good server, then all you negative nancies stay away from [sERVER NAME REDACTED TO PRESERVE PURITY OF SERVER]!

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