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Is SS GS not viable in PvP anymore after 1.2?


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it's not enough, it's really really not enough. One snipe + followthrough + ambush will not bring em down to 30% for the takedown. in 4 GCD assault vanguards have enough time to put elemental dot on you and fire a high impact bolt which by no means is a weak thing.


You should not expect to kill a tank in 4 hits, tanks generally do less damage and therefore you should be living longer and given 2 players of equal skill/gear you should have a long interesting fight. If you are fighting a non-tanking heavy armor wearer, the key is to key them at bay with your knock back, leg shots, aimed shot knock back, if you are ss spec I feel this is a really good talent, dirty kick and run away, and your flash bomb. If played right, you can keep them away long enough to burn them down.


Now if you don't like this play style you could try out Sab or DF, I myself, would not give up incendiary grenade for any other talent at the moment. It has so many uses. I love to watch melee be forced to stand in it while they attack me, this gives me a pretty big damage boost against melee. I also tend to live a lot longer as sab spec with decreased damage while in cover, Increased damage absorption from defense screen, and you can throw in ballistic dampers from the ss tree for extra measure.


The counter for a vanguard is that they can be interrupted and a GS cannot be interrupted, except with a stun, which SS spec has a shorter cool down on Hunker down which makes you only interruptable by a fellow slinger/agent with diversion

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Its not an objective opinion, its a matter of feeling. Personally i feel stronger against heavy armors with either engineering or lethality.


What i do like about MM however, is that you can often exceed a class expectation of survival, and thus kill them before they escape or use a medkit.


What you need to decide however, is how you will handle the top 31pt SS ability. With alacrity relic, target acquired and talented 4% alacrity and sniper volley you can fasten your activation speed by 50%!!! i was able to cast 3 series of shots in a row in 4,5 seconds total!!!

Anyway kudos to game deigners that made all 3 trees. I am enjoying massively all 3. Only enginnering in operations seems harder.

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All this burst is great until you have to deal with heavy armor classes. It's not bad, but compared to Engineering and Lethality i always feel gimped with MM in pvp.


I feel that way with lethality tbh, I feel like it has no real contributing damage. Even when similary geared GS/Snipers come at me they either die so fast or take the 5 minute LoS *exaggeration* me route while I kill like 4 of their team mates. Idk, I just don't feel it.

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While 1.2 brought boosts to both Sab and DF they weren't large enough to make either tree mandatory for PvP. Gunslinger is now in the fortunate position to have 3 working trees with varied playstyles and somewhat different specific purposes ( they are still all DPS-ish of course ).


Certain builds may be more suited to the role your group expects you to fill though,


^this. You also have the freedom to hybrid. You'll do more damage based on what you play style is instead the tree your using.

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