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Voidstar is broken..again


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The shields at the final door are broke,I've seen people walk through them when none are down.

It happened to me last night,after the bomb on the second door went off,a sith Assassin stealted and sprinted through the door,I followed him ((We were on the same team,you can see stealthed teamates on the map)).

I went the exact same way as him and he just walked through the energy shield..I tried to follow him,but the sheld wasn't down..

He planted the bomb and by the time I got the shield down.

Bioware please fix this asap.

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Last night I saw a bomb magically appearing on the door and the planter appearing next to it . No sign of him prior of the bomb going active. I'm not kidding or trolling and I'm 100% about this.


This sounds like a different exploit using the smuggler/operative class. They start the plant from stealth and another operative hits their group stealth to put them back in stealth. They finish the plant and then you see them.

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Last night I was in a void star with a guild premade. We were the attackers. Three of us were killed while planting a bomb. When we respawned, we were at the shielded bridge (behind the unopened doors) we could not get back to the correct side, however, we could plant bombs from behind the door. Eventually our whole 8 man team was killed and spawned in the same place. We spent the rest of the match planting bombs from behind the door, while the republic stood On the other side defusing them. It's the first time anything like that has ever happened to me.
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I died in first room and ressed in 2nd a few days ago before first door was opened.

Couldn't open 2nd bridge and first door was opened before i had a chance to see if i couldn't plant bomb from the 'wrong' side of the door.

Gave us a pretty massive advantage though for 2nd room - bridge was opened before the enemy could react really and 2nd door was opened shortly after

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the lying down bug is widespread. I got it like ~5 times a week.

also had a bug in huttenball, where, after a 1-0, the ball did not show up in the middle of the map and was gone for the rest of the game. :eek:

other bugs, like flying through the ground of a map and dying, people, carrying the huttenball, looking like they fell down close infront of the second fire and 5 seconds later appearing behind it, at voidstar not being able to defuse the bomb, no BG sounds at all and all those other bugs I forgot, are ingame since ages and, as I believe, will never get fixed!


I am a BW fan... not!

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