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Is Biochem worth it?


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I honestly wasn't aware of just how beneficial Biochem was until I decided to level it on an alt. Already I can see that the blue versions of stims and medpacks are vastly superior to the top level ones you can buy from the vendor. I actually save quite a bit of money making them instead of buying the ones i need from the vendor and even more from trying to buy the biochem ones on the GTN as the blue stims i use go for about 10k per stim.


It is kind of selfish to begin with but you can still craft them for guild mates and help them out that way. Also, the implants are always good to sell. Especially if you look at the GTN and look for the level range that doesn't have much available. I have Cybertech on my main and the only reason i'm hesitant to drop it on him is because of the amount of time and money i've put into it getting purple schematics RE'd and the ones from operations.


It is absolutely worth it.

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I picked up Biochem on my Sentinel and now after 1.2 I'm starting to wonder it's worth it anymore.


Is Biochem still worth keeping? Or should I pick and level and new profession?


Biochem is great for re-usable adrenals, for stims etx, rakata sucks now, exotech stims are better

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If you have it, might as well keep it, but I wouldn't drop something to level it.


Resuable items that are worse than the non-reusable items that are not needed for the vast majority of content leaves Biochem as another 'meh' crew skill IMO, unless you spend all day in random warzones, then Biochem is the way to go if you want to pop consumables on cool down.

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Absolutely. It remains the most useful crew skill in the game unfortunately.


^This. Those level 48 purple reusables that require 380 biochem will save you tons of credits. You can pop your medpac every 90 seconds in a WZ and not even think about it. You can sell blue level 50 stims and medpacs on the gtn. The 2-hour endurance stims that persist through death go for 25k on my server. And there is a a healthy market for the really good medpacs thanks to raiders.


In short, keep it.


I have actually been pestering Bioware to tell us when they are going to phase out the reusables (something they brought up at the Guild summit) because I am really thinking about taking Biochem on my main for max effectiveness pvp. Honestly, 4600 hp every 90 seconds, cost free is really attractive compared with the WZ medpacs that, granted, do more like 7k hp, but cost 20 wz comms and that comes right out of the same pool you were using to save up for War Hero gear.

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I have actually been pestering Bioware to tell us when they are going to phase out the reusables (something they brought up at the Guild summit) because I am really thinking about taking Biochem on my main for max effectiveness pvp. Honestly, 4600 hp every 90 seconds, cost free is really attractive compared with the WZ medpacs that, granted, do more like 7k hp, but cost 20 wz comms and that comes right out of the same pool you were using to save up for War Hero gear.


I heard it was because some high end raiding guilds were REQUIRING members to take biochem. /shrug


The silver lining here is I continue to make millions selling bioanalysis mats.

Edited by Serbegorn
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