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Regarding server queues


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Honestly, many ppl already said the most imortant thing - Pay to play, not to wait! If this was a free game, noone would say a word! Devz, would you buy such service? I realy start to think about dropping the game and returning to WoW. Once I get connected, I pray all the time not to get DC! The last DC caused me 2,5h que! AWFULL!


This is Star Wars, but you should redesign the login screen to Star Wars flying text: "Long, long time ago ...., In a galaxy far, far away, ... we all have started to wait in this freaking que ... !!!" Maybe than we all will know what we go for :mad:


Do something fast, or you lose much more! The que reputation will hunt you till your bankrupcy ... just like the Siths follow there pray. Holding my fingerz so you, dear dev.team, succeed very fast!

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I don't know what makes you think they are honest when saying we do it to make your experience better. It is a proper and insulting bull..... They did not have this problem during a beta stress test. EA just wants to keep cost down and they most likely find a new way of doing this. Make us wait in long as ... queues :)
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To say i'm fed up with the SERVER QUES would be an understatement.


Sort this out quickly Bioware or YOU MAY LOSE US ALL.


Please answer us, DON'T do what SOE did in Galaxies and LEAVE US HANGING.


Players DON'T want to start fresh on new servers so please start opening more and ALLOW FREE TRANSFERS.


Alot of people ONLY HAVE 3-4 HOURS game time due to REAL LIFE COMMITMENTS.

So if ques are this long or longer then they will NEVER GET TO PLAY THE GAME.




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When I pay money for a service or product, I expect that service or product to be available.

And, guess what? It is. They NEVER guaranteed you you'd be able to play on your favorite server, or with your guildies, or friends, or spouse, or dog... They said you could play, and you can

Oh, and BTW, you haven't paid 'money for a service' yet. You're still on your 30 day trial period (or in pre-game release).


Going by the money argument though, by your own argument, since I forked over the money for a CE, I should be able to bypass any queues, be able to play whenever I want, wherever I want, with whom I want. Oh wait, that's just fantasy talking again...


The reality is very, very simple:

#1: They're aware of the problem

#2: They never, EVER guaranteed you no queues. In fact, they said there WOULD be, over and over again last week

#3: They never EVER guaranteed you you'd be able to go wherever you wanted without any problems.


I've been playing since Thursday night. The only queues I've seen were 2 Friday. That's right, 2.. The amount of time stuck in them? 15-30 minutes a piece and yeah, that's reasonable. If you'reon a server that's got more than that, then THAT isn't EA/Bioware's problem, that's your own. MOVE. Reroll onto another server. Use the current one later on when things get fixed. You DO realize you can play the game without friends/guildmates/etc, right?

Edited by TomWhiting
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I started my queue session on basilisk droid today on 740 ish and I thought I was hard-done by. After reading some of the posts in here I'm considering myself lucky to only have to start queueing 740. That just isn't right :<


From what I understand it should be possible to add capacity to servers. By adding more servers in be background.


For example when playing in a zone i.e Hutta there is a number next to it telling you what 'hutta' zone you are in. Surely it would be possible to add more available zones in to accommodate more customers?

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SWTOR Players Code:


There is no emotion, there is queue.

There is no ignorance, there is queue.

There is no passion, there is queue.

There is no chaos, there is queue.

There is no death, there is the queue.


Queue is a lie, there is only passion.

Through passion, QQ.

Through QQ, angry forum posts.

Through angry forum posts, my chains are cut.

The server load sets me free.

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To say i'm fed up with the SERVER QUES would be an understatement.


Sort this out quickly Bioware or YOU MAY LOSE US ALL.


Please answer us, DON'T do what SOE did in Galaxies and LEAVE US HANGING.


Players DON'T want to start fresh on new servers so please start opening more and ALLOW FREE TRANSFERS.


Alot of people ONLY HAVE 3-4 HOURS game time due to REAL LIFE COMMITMENTS.

So if ques are this long or longer then they will NEVER GET TO PLAY THE GAME.




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Your response was acceptable until you said:

On one hand, you do not want people to wait too long – on the other hand, you want to make sure that people have a dynamic, engaging community to play with for long after launch.

You should only have one hand, and it should say "Queues are unacceptable for any length of time." It sounds to me that you're settling on this "we want full servers" mentality, which is a terrible shame, because these queues are only going to hurt the overall subscriber health of the Old Republic.


Unacceptable. Queues should not be an inevitable consequence, but something to be eradicated at the earliest opportunity.


I'm disappointed.

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I'm playing on a "Full" server but to me it's rare to see more then 2-3 people while questing. I know there's different instances but to me it still seems like there are not that many people online.. and it's still 1 hour que. Edited by Nahtoh
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tomb of freedon nadd


6 hour queues!



at release each and every mmorpg has problems with queues, because A LOT of people are excited to play the new game, they login and stay logged in for 5-6 hours straight, not leaving the server. Thus creating queues. That's why I was expecting queues in this game as well. Around and up to 2-2.5 hour queues. Today when I entered the queue I was the 2084th, now 3 hours and 12 minutes have passed, I'm 801st.... 3 hours for 1200 people and I got 800 more to go, since the 1200 people that got in won't be leaving anytime soon, the 800 people before me will take another 3 hours, thus totaling at a 6 hour queue. BIOWARE ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!? DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!!


I've experienced it in WoW, WAR, AoC etc but I've never seen a server with a queue period of 6 hours before. well Tomb of Freedon Nadd is the exception now!!

Edited by sabocano
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I'm playing on a "Full" server but to me it's rare to see more then 2-3 people while questing. I know there's different instances but to me it still seems like there are not that many people online.. and it's till 1 hour que.


Its been proven and confirmed server capacity es capped at around 2.5k.


A server nowadays can hold way more than that.




Theyre boss is just being " im the greatest, so i even when everyone says X im gonna say Y "

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It's included in the game price, not free. If I can't play in January because of queues I'm going to expect a refund of that £9


No, the game itself costs $60. That's a standard game price, look it up.

The 30 day's credit is just that, JUST like EGA you're currently on, it is free.

As far as a refund, good luck with that. You opened the box, you redeemed the codes, you played the game. You'll get nothing legally for a refund, nothing at all.


Quit whining, find a server that has no queues and play there.

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Lets talk buisness...

yea we are not technicaly paing clients....but

how you expect from us to become with such rediculus waiting time ? are you considering this a good adverisment?

by what logic you gave sush limited number of english servers for europe???

and finaly i will agree that is more managed lunch or prelaunch condition than other games in the past espesialy for the size of preorders....but when you are trying for the best posible experience at launch with double the preorder population you will fail your servers will crash and all you aiming for will not work... and try to compete with your rivals with that type oft start

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The problem isn't so much the queue as the fact that we can not play the game while we are queued for our guilds server.


If they would let us at least play on a different server, while queued for our main one, we could at least spend the game time playing -- instead of queuing. Not only would this at least make some customers more happy - and help with customer retention, it would cut down on the number of forum posts and CSR incidents, thus saving your company money in the long run.


Alternatively, you can continue "monitoring" the situation until your customers leave the game and return to WOW.

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