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Regarding server queues


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The other problem with the queues is that estimation is completely inaccurate, I logged about 1 hour ago when it said less than 30minutes and it is update just now to 40 minutes. Seriously there is something you must do about it. Especially casual players have 2 hours to play and more than 1 hour is spent in queue
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Wow! Jeff Hickman?! I guess the game developer community is much like other industries; they just keep recycling the same old people from company to company. I guess technically EA Mythic and EA BioWare is all EA, but it still seems like a lot of retreading. Now that I know Jeff Hickman is involved with Live Services, along with his official statement that says absolutely nothing (very much like his Warhammer days), I'll maintain a healthy dose of skepticism regarding all official statements hence forth.
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so you blame the engineer of your car, if there´s a Q @ your gas station?


only an analogy... ;)


Doesn't really work though, the engineer has no control over the gas station, whereas bioware have control over the servers, they could do something about it. a more apt analogy would be blaming the engineer if you turn your car on and have to wait a few hours before you can actually drive it....

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Offer transfers ...it is THAT simple


This. We should be offered a free transfer. Most of us have characters on servers with huge queues. We don't want to abandon those characters. Give us the chance to take those characters to other servers. It can't be that difficult. They did it in WoW so why can't we?

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They've probably done this deliberately.. from a publicity/advertisement point of view "our game is so good our servers are jam packed with players forcing 1-6 hour queues" sounds really good. Such a dirty trick from EA wouldn't surprise me.
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Strange how quiet Bioware are at the moment, almost as if they not working this weekend. I hope I am wrong and they are watching these queues, but having to sit at number 960 in the queue of the server my guild was put into is a bit annoying.


I am really enjoying the game, so don't get me wrong I won't just be quitting. But I am afraid that there are some players that will do just that. I just hope that come Tuesday these queues are fixed or atleast made smaller. Because honestly if they are not you may have many many returns on wednesday.


Bioware needs to implement a system that directs new players to alternative low population servers on launch day, so that they can fill up those and not have queues on the servers which are already full.

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My question is: Why not grant free migration to all realms? this way the populations would naturally stabilize without difficult micromanagement(waves and guild programs). It would also make the customers happier, increasing long time income to the companies. The way they are currently going is not good for business.


That would be a very reasonable decision now.

The current situation is building an army of unhappy consumers, and MMO is only profitable in case of keeping them happy and returning every day.

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This dissapointing me, yesterday the queue says i had to wait 2:30 on server Tomb, and i waited near 7 hours.Today same *** this cant be tolerated for playing a MMORPG with subscription. Hopeing they do something about it or looks like many ppl will leave this nightmare...
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Even waiting for 10 minutes is not acceptable.


Especially in pre launch u need to get your act together. If they already cant handle the queues now, how is this going to get better when we pay for a subscription. I bet this will cauze a lot of people to stop playing this game.

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Although i apreciate the comment it does not actually go any way to explaining the queues nor does it bring into light any logic in why they exist


If you did this to stagger launch fine, but is it not the case the servers should have been able to handle the load with a limited number of people people pushed onto the servers?


surely you left some margin of server stability to allow future alterations to the server? If so why are they max'd out as they are?


The single player integration of the story is making this much more difficult, try asking skyrim players to wait four hours to logon and play skyrim? I don't think so


I personally haven't been too bad (only 1-2 hour queues on Lord Calypho but i think its very poor start to the game.


Will you be giving us back any free time to apologise? or will you expect us to just accept your decisions that lead to queues in the first place?

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That would be a very reasonable decision now.

The current situation is building an army of unhappy consumers, and MMO is only profitable in case of keeping them happy and returning every day.


100% agree.


The more that ppl vent their frustrations on here, only adds to the vast army of unhappy customers who for some may just not bother continue with any subscription plan and go else where. Thus the game dies before its even had a chance.


Warhammer online comes to mine here. You would have though that BW would have learned valuable lessons. Obviously not.

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Spent 4 and a half hours queuing, being kicked and sent back to the end of the queue yesterday before finally getting in to play.


Today after having spent my entire day queuing, getting kicked from queue and getting sent back to the end of the queue i'm giving up on trying for the day and i'm gonna go do something im going to enjoy, maybe pay for a service from a games company that can actually deliver something for me to play.

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