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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Regarding server queues


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You got it wrong! Bioware is the Developer, not the Publisher and they did a really fantastic job! You should blame EA, for they are responsible for servers and infrastructure.


I stick to my original statement. I was using it as an analogy.

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Reasonable ques .... I guess 2-4h que to get in and another one if you DC is reasonable idd.



Im not going to be paying monthly fees for a game I need to boot up 3 hours in advance to play.


Worst launch ever ... this day and age its pathetic ... look how rift did it, stable and fully operational servers and no silly ques.

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This queue **** is stupid, honestly.


I was originally assigned to the server I'm playing on with my guildies and freinds, and because people like to pick a random server and go "THIS ONE BE UNOFFICAL <Language> SERVER!!!" I've had the misfortune to start being forced, Yes, FORCED (I don't care if you all say "You can change servers." I want to play with my freinds, and they don't want to change server.) to be on a high Queue server. This is honestly stupid planning by BW / EA. They need to make the servers bigger, lock the servers to whoever wasn't assigned to it in the first place, or let people who were assigned to the server jump the queue.

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There is a very simple means in which you can end server queues. ALLOW PEOPLE TO MOVE CHARACTERS IN BETWEEN SERVERS!!!





How about this;

Have your character UNLINKED from the servers and let you pick where your characters want to play. Have the GUILDS tied to the servers, but let players play other servers as well.

That way we can level to 50 anywhere and then return to our guild server, for example.


While we are visiting other servers just list them as



<Guildname@Tomb of Long Name>



Position in queue: 1612 - ETA: 2h10 (Probably will be closer to 4h20m)

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I have been playin swotor since second early access day, I had to follow my guild to server Legions of lettow.


My guild was put on this server by bioware as, apparently were tons of other guilds...I am facing a daily queue of over 2 hours....


I am willing to change server but I dont want to drop my level 30 SI...server migration should be offered asap if nothing can be done to the queues.


Appreciate your effort on this.

Edited by TProserpio
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what they soud have done, is that all Guild members that wher deploid to a server coud not make charakters on other servers for 2-3 weeks, and only x amount of other acounts coud create a carekter on that server and was locked to that for 1 week. than most woud have beter play time and a lott of guilds coudent move around as the wished on the first day. that woud have made ToFN and Bloodworthy with a que time of 15 to 30 min in stead of 4h - 5h like it is now.
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There are currently 5 medium populated english realms in the EU side, and has been for quite some time. Bioware/EA doesnt seem to understand that by just adding more realms wont solve the queue problem. People have guilds and friends on the full realms and will not leave them. Even the average idiot(me) knows this.


My question is: Why not grant free migration to all realms? this way the populations would naturally stabilize without difficult micromanagement(waves and guild programs). It would also make the customers happier, increasing long time income to the companies. The way they are currently going is not good for business.

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When I checked rested XP at level 29 I noticed I got around 1 rested xp per 1.5 second.


How about, when we are in QUEUE we get bonus rested XP, so that the time spent in queue directly benefits us if we eventually get in game, by saving us the same amount of time (in terms of grinding levels) as we wasted when we were stuck in queues due to the horrible 1990s era implementation you picked?


Also; considering it looks like half my "game time" will be spent in queues, will that get 'deducted' from my 30 days "free" game time so I will get 15 days extra?

Edited by AlexanderB
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While we can’t promise that there won’t ever be queues, we can promise you that we are taking this matter seriously and constantly reviewing them to make sure that they are manageable and reasonable.


I'd like to know Jeff Hickman's definition of manageable and reasonable.


I had a disconnect which threw me back to the server select screen and into a queue of 900 (on The Red Eclipse). Judging by the responses in this post that is not the highest number people have experienced. After 1 hour and 40 mins I am now at position 27.


Do you consider a wait period of 1 hour and 40 mins reasonable, Mr Hickman ? I certainly do not.


Please can you tell us the timescales and planned actions with which you will manage this unacceptable wait time ?

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I'd like to know Jeff Hickman's definition of manageable and reasonable.


I had a disconnect which threw me back to the server select screen and into a queue of 900 (on The Red Eclipse). Judging by the responses in this post that is not the highest number people have experienced. After 1 hour and 40 mins I am now at position 27.


Do you consider a wait period of 1 hour and 40 mins reasonable, Mr Hickman ? I certainly do not.


Please can you tell us the timescales and planned actions with which you will manage this unacceptable wait time ?


agree im on 4h+ now and 643 in front off me. GOOOO ToFN

Edited by Luskan
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I'd like to know Jeff Hickman's definition of manageable and reasonable.


I had a disconnect which threw me back to the server select screen and into a queue of 900 (on The Red Eclipse). Judging by the responses in this post that is not the highest number people have experienced. After 1 hour and 40 mins I am now at position 27.


Do you consider a wait period of 1 hour and 40 mins reasonable, Mr Hickman ? I certainly do not.


Please can you tell us the timescales and planned actions with which you will manage this unacceptable wait time ?


I had a client crash while helping a friend and then got shunted to the back of a 900 queue which was estimated at 50 mins. that was in truth, over 1hour and 50 mins. hmmmm BW get your act together.

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I can't understand why on earth people were assigned to servers so unevenly. There are servers which have light pressure at any time (I checked), and the ones that are heavy to full all the time.


Also, the estimated time of login to server is not even close to the real one. E.g. today after losing connection to server I tried to reconnect. The estimated time was <40 minutes, while in reality it took about 2 hours... after which I got disconnected again.


I can only imaging the nightmare after 20th December.


I was a big supporter of the game after beta-testing. Now I advice my friends NOT to buy the game, because you just don't get a chance to play.

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I think its clear already they should be offering guild server migration at no cost. I don't class a queue of over 750 people "manageable" at 3.45 on a Sunday afternoon. You also now have the problem of people being forced to stay logged in and popping back to the PC every now and again because if you do get logged out (for food or something similar) you face a 2 hour plus wait to get back in.


Come on people get a grip its not like theres no experience out there of MMO's and server queue times to fall back on. As a rule absolutely no server should be showing as full particularly when the game hasn't even officially launched yet.


You need to set your standard server load as "Heavy", anything showing as full needs sorting asap.

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I wish they'd come out and say exactly WHAT they are going to do about it, or what they are CONSIDERING to do about it, or what they are PLANNING to do about it.


"Monitoring" the situation isn't really helping at all.


There are several solutions to this problem, but Monitoring the queues isn't one of them.

Those of us who are in the queues ARE monitoring them.

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Yer some of these quese are so frustrating,


Bioware said in a video with there dev's that they know how important team mechanics and guildplay are in the game.


Yet they seem to put too many guilds in too few servers from launch.


And are splitting these guilds up. Its pretty bad.


Bioware is there a way you can just increase the size of the original servers ?

You can add servers till the Banthas come home but they keep just getting full then its pointless.

Increase the original servers capacity. It shouldnt be too hard considering the amount of people in each planet being around 137

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The assigning guild system was a poorly designed one. For example my guild was created several years ago and it was assigned to a server but due to several reasons that guild no longer exists. Also guild assignment didnt take onto account being part of a bigger community.


To me this would have been better if they released a server name list a few weeks before the launch date so communities could talk to each other to spare between servers.


Also opening new servers right now or aftder day 1 is mainly pointless, i know for a fact that many players are playing on new servers just temporaly due to the long queues...


Bioware knew the number of preorders and they still managed to set up so few servers on prelaunch day 1.

Edited by Magbed
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