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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Regarding server queues


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Well were not paying yet so we have no right to moan :p


Actually i've already paid for my copy and registered it so yeah. I picked my server on day 1 of early access when all servers were low on population. It's just unfair to make me switch servers by giving us such ridiculous ques.

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Get credit for the free early access that you are given access to before the game even officially launches? wut:confused:


Well it's not exactly free :) We paid an extra fee (EUR 5.00 in my case) for early access. So I am paying for EARLY access. Not FREE access. And while I believe that EA / Bioware are doing a lot to alleviate waiting times, I feel anything over 5 minutes is undesirable.


Heck, waiting time in general is undesirable but I understand some finetuning and balancing does have to happen. And I would like it as soon as possible, please :D

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Oh, and I think that developers are not stupid and CAN actually read, so 1 post complaining about queues should be enough, why everyone has to leave his/her complaint about the same thing here is beyond my comprehension


cos im sikk of waching the count down on que screen 3h + now and im on 600 place to gett in. and a total play time off 3h the last 3 days. thats whye.

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Now the situation is a bit funny. First everyone cried: Let us in on early access, one more wave, one more wave and so on. Now that you have all been let in you dont like queues. If BW would have kept the same speed as for 1st day of early access there would probably be no queues atm, well ofc it would meant that none of you complainers would be in game as well. Stop complainng and roll on empty servers! Ask guilds/friends to do the same if you dont wish to play alone. And all those excuses: Im lvl 40 and cant reroll etc. is total bulls***, if you could made lvl40 in 3 early access days, it will take you only another 3 days to get there on new server as well


i grinded

lvl 30 marauder(beta)

lvl 50 mercenary(beta)

lvl 44 assassin(weekend beta)

lvl 40 assasin(official launch, 2day 6 hrs play time)


i really do not want to play Korriban, kaas, balmorra, nar shadda, tatooine, alderaan, taris, hoth, quesh, again...


i won't mind redoing belsavis, corellia and ilum

but i would puke if i ever play noob zones again...


under lvl 40 is noob zone for me


and i think players who did not reach lvl 40+ should consider rerolling...

players like me who is above 40 has a right to demand character migration...

i dun understand why lowbies crying on the forums tho...

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i must say this is unacceptable and part of it the big mistake they made by bringing all the early acces guild deployment to so few servers. What was bioware thinking.


i think Blizzard is lauging their *** of as we speak.


with a big poster of a panda behind them in the conference room.

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I get the problem, i got 3 - 4 hours a Bloodworthy, but please


PLEASE BIOWARE make it so does that get DC dont get back in the queue.


I am gonna sit down with some friends after chirstmas and then someone always mess up the cables. :)

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i grinded

lvl 30 marauder(beta)

lvl 50 mercenary(beta)

lvl 44 assassin(weekend beta)

lvl 40 assasin(official launch, 2day 6 hrs play time)


i really do not want to play Korriban, kaas, balmorra, nar shadda, tatooine, alderaan, taris, hoth, quesh, again...


i won't mind redoing belsavis, corellia and ilum

but i would puke if i ever play noob zones again...


under lvl 40 is noob zone for me


and i think players who did not reach lvl 40+ should consider rerolling...

players like me who is above 40 has a right to demand character migration...

i dun understand why lowbies crying on the forums tho...


I am lev 22 for the second time and trust me I will not do it for the 3rd time. I would rather stop playing.

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With limited gaming time (after work, feeding the family and so on) I've found it almost impossible to play. I've been in the queue for an hour and a half this afternoon, and I'm still waiting.

I wouldn't mind, but I've only got 3 hours of free time today. My placement in the queue means that by the time I get in, its time for me to leave.


yes same problem for me :(

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BW get your act together. These queues are getting longer and longer. The game is going live on Tuesday. You have capped the server limits to roughly 1300-1500. TOTALLY unacceptable. I don't about care you wanting to space out population, or making sure the server stability. By NOT doing anything about it. Those ppl who are now stuck around lvl 15-20. You are now creating mission/quest bottle necks and therefore this will increase server load then inevitability of server crash come release day.


You better start increasing the server capacity VERY soon (I,e, Today, this hour or this minute) or the very ppl you are relying to keep this game running for you, will go else where. Blizzard and a few others will be looking and laughing at you for mis handling this whole fiasco.


I will qq everyday, and I am sure others will, until you pull your thumbs out of your rear end and do something about it NOW. This is for those who are waiting longer than 1 hour, just to get to their characters. What is it going to take for you to listen to the concerns of your paying customers to do something about it.


I am going to use an analogy. I buy a part for my car. I fit and make sure everything is working okay. I take out out for a spin to make sure it is doing as it supposed to do. Along the way, the new part fails. You are stuck because this part allows you change gears (for manual drivers). What do you do, You get the car home or back to the garage who supplied the part and then demand your money back for faulty goods.


BW are the supplier, We are the customer, so far you have supplied a good product on the outside. But on the inside, your server limits are too low that you are bottle necking and making the situation worse. Ppl are waiting. Those waiting longer than 2-6 hours will not pay to do this anymore so you loose your money and your customers. No customers, no products, No products to sell. company goes bust. There have been many leak reports that SWTOR has cost a lot of money and almost bled BW dry. SORT THIS OUT NOW,

Edited by Pheneom
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Quote for truth. Just give us the option to server transfer our whole guild, which you guys assigned to that freaking server.


Totally agree! I don't really care about the specific server (as long as it's PVP i'm satesfied)..

IF or WHEN the possibility to transfer the characters, I will do it without hesitating.

The old republic is a good game, but worth hours of wait every time you want to play...

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So... Right now I got the error 1003 for the third time while I was 100 in queue... Total of 4 hours waiting. This error is givven if the server is entering maintenance as it is wrote in its description. So WHAT THE **** IS GOING ON BIOWARE??
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I am lev 22 for the second time and trust me I will not do it for the 3rd time. I would rather stop playing.


second time is nothing...


i remember people were claiming they will grind 8-16 characters one from each AC...


what happened to the community

after 10 levels game is not so easy anymore?


try grinding 3 toons over 40 with this current story based quest system....

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i grinded

lvl 30 marauder(beta)

lvl 50 mercenary(beta)

lvl 44 assassin(weekend beta)

lvl 40 assasin(official launch, 2day 6 hrs play time)


i really do not want to play Korriban, kaas, balmorra, nar shadda, tatooine, alderaan, taris, hoth, quesh, again...


i won't mind redoing belsavis, corellia and ilum

but i would puke if i ever play noob zones again...


under lvl 40 is noob zone for me


and i think players who did not reach lvl 40+ should consider rerolling...

players like me who is above 40 has a right to demand character migration...

i dun understand why lowbies crying on the forums tho...


so player lv has anything to say if you can complain or not?

well in my eyes people that have had mor than 2 carakters 40+ knows how to lvle fast so they know how and probably has the TIME to do it on a new server.

Edited by Luskan
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