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Regarding server queues


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I will start by saying thank you for looking into this. However - the queue issue needs to be resolved. I crashed on Tarsis and now am forced back into the queue again.


I play on Mind Trick - the server that was assigned to me at the beginning of the game.


Queues started in the 10min range, but have progressively become worse and worse, to the point now where it is now upsetting.


Also the calculation on wait times is way off. Mind Trick currently state <35m (Compared to many of you I know this is minor).


However I have been in the queue for 20 minutes now and have 290 ahead of me still. I have been watching closely and it appears to be 1 player every 6 seconds is the rate of moving through the queue. With almost 300 players ahead of me that would make it another 30 minutes of wait. So now we are looking at almost an hour long wait just to play the game.


I know you want to manage server populations but for MMO players - especially those with a casual playstyle - a wait of anything over 10 minutes (and 10 is severely pushing it) is far too much. I am only being this patient right now because I know we have not yet hit release and hope the issues are resolved before the rush of Christmas and Launch players are added to the game. But if the issue of the Queues is not resolved after launch I will have to give up on the game.


The MMO in and of it's self is amazing. Best I have ever played. But we need the ability to actually play it. We are not in Disney World on vacation - we do not have luxury time to wait in a queue for an hour just to get a short burst of enjoyment.

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I dunno what I am doing differently but have not waited in a queue that I know of the last 4 days, just got home from work tonight and took me around 1 min to log in one the servers I play on which shows on here "full" status. Keep up the great work Bioware!
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Any update on if you guys plan on fixing the disconnect/crash re-queue problem? Even with a "reasonable" queue time such as 15-30 minutes, it ISNT reasonable when you're in a Flashpoint or Operation with your Guild and they have to wait 15-30 minutes for you to get back online or replace you?


WOW had the queue thing already figured out, why couldn't you guys do the same, we're not asking for anything "new".

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Any update on if you guys plan on fixing the disconnect/crash re-queue problem? Even with a "reasonable" queue time such as 15-30 minutes, it ISNT reasonable when you're in a Flashpoint or Operation with your Guild and they have to wait 15-30 minutes for you to get back online or replace you?


you know we could just keep posting on this SINCE WE ARE IN QUEUE!

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IMO need to expand out these servers, or allow people to transfer their characters around. When I picked my server it was 'Standard' and now its around 2 hour queue.


At this point i would rather be on an empty server. Most of the time I plan on playing will be on the weekend when I'm guessing queues will be the highest.


Whats the point if i can never play?

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I'm kinda glad that I got my invite a little later (Dec. 16) because I got the choice to pick additional servers that were rolled out with an average of players on the server a lot less than servers that were rolled out for the first invitees to EGA. Since my EGA invite, I have not had to wait in any queue to play :)
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There is no reason why we as paying customers should have to wait to play the game. If we are stuck in queues now, what will happens once the game actually hits stores and is available to the public at large? It is being marketed right before Chirstmas. Imagine another 100,000 - 500,000 players attempting to access the servers when they are already maxed out from individuals who have received early access passes. :eek:


Isn't it wonderful to try and log on and find out that you are number such-and-such trying to access a full server that you will be paying $15/mon for access to? :confused:


So far, I loved the game from what I have been able to play of it, but I didn't experience any of these queue issues during stress or beta tests. It's a shame to see them appear when the game is ready to start its actual launch. :mad::mon_trap:

Edited by iammyboss
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Hmm, would that be the portion covered by your increased computer usage, or the entirety?


If it's the entirety, I'll offer to install a Solar or Wind power generator, which will benefit you more, but for the portion, howabout I cut your bill some other way, such as with insulation or replacing incandescent lights or maybe sealing some windows?


It's really not that much more, monetary-wise.


But it's not a solution anyway, I'm just bored.


Lol, I'll get on top of that as soon as I get out of college and have a job that pays more than minimum wage.

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Fix the issue already!!!!!! I was in queue last night for 4 hours!!! Tonight seemed to be around a 2 hour wait, only to be error-ed out and having to start over again!! This is bad business! Get it together people!!! You knew how many people were gonna be playing!! You need to hire someone better at math!!! If this issue isn't fixed quickly, this game is going in the trash! Some people don't have all damn day to play games!! I would love to enjoy the couple hours I do have!!
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I can't even look at the server list while in the que and I can read 11 full servers. I can only imagine the rest of the servers are full or at cap. Something needs to be done about this or you won't be getting my monthly contribution. I'm not paying to stand in a line. If I wanted to stand in a line I'd go to my local Wal Mart and do it in real life.
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waited 40 mins in que.... :confused:


played for a little while then got disconnected.... :mad:


now waiting in a 1 hour 40 min que.... :eek:


this is ridiculous.. our guild got placed on The Swiftsure and I don't ever have time to play between work and que times...ughhh

Edited by Brittanync
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come on...wait for 2 hours in a 600 person que that said 1 hr, only to get an internal server error to start back at 1000. could have been my connection, but if so it happened before i reached the end of the que...why was i not informed earlier if this is the case?
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Que's are still pathetic and with all the planning that went into this game I'm really surprised it has come to this. Making an effort to balance the game servers is nice and all but without the ability to actually play the game why would we buy a subscription?
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Really nothing more to add that has not been said already. But beware, after the 20th I will not pay to sit and wait. The outlandish wait times are still only pre-orders. You have less than 3 days to prepare for a "smooth launch."


What he said

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1468 people ahead of me. i have to start work in 2 hours...................Why did i buy this game......................


do like I did, cancel all your pre-orders, I canceled a CE and a DE, if this gets fixed ill get the regular version, if not Ill spend my time playing games I don't have to wait for an hour + to do. This game is pretty good but not that good.

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This whole situation is like walmart on black friday with a 65" LED for 399 ... 750k people screaming to let them in ... then wondering why the tv's are broken.


Yes the queue's suck ...


Launch is 12/20 ...


EA is when dev's get to finally stress the hell out of their system ...


All you can do is hope that the server coding allows it to be expanded ...


Otherwise the only fix they will have is to open more servers and then you will have to make a choice ... deal with queue's or switch servers.


Not for nothing ... people are ************ about "losing" the 10-30 lvls they have grinded ... in a whole what 2-3 days ... suck it the hell up and reroll.

Edited by Xylos
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Really nothing more to add that has not been said already. But beware, after the 20th I will not pay to sit and wait. The outlandish wait times are still only pre-orders. You have less than 3 days to prepare for a "smooth launch."


Quoted for truth again.


I'm playing early now- the privilege of pre-ordering gave me that time. Once the 20th hits and I pay $15 monthly to play, a 3 hour queue (hell- a 20 minute queue) isn't going to cut it. I realize it's 'expected' or 'typical' for a launch, but if the stress testing wasn't to find out how much rack space they needed for 'x' number of players at 'y' peak capacity, it served little point.


This is 'acceptable' for 3 more days.

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Quote for truth. Just give us the option to server transfer our whole guild, which you guys assigned to that freaking server.


exactly we would have chosen a low pop server but you put us on one of the highest. bad form guys that was a bad plan

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