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Regarding server queues


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Either I have missed it or not been able to find it.


Does anyone know what BW have said about what is causing such long queue times?


either way. as ppl have said waiting up to 15mins is acceptable. Anything longer, its completely unacceptable.


BW, get your act together.

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Can we switch our guilds to different servers that are not so busy?


This would be ideal, as yes free character transfer would be nice but the whole point of the pre-guild-creation thingy was so we could play with our buddies right from the start and if we all have to go separate ways due to server cloggage then there wasn't much point in that whole thing.

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I will not pay for a countdown with the background of SW. I can make it by myself for free ...


I'd lol if some smart *** at bioware coded it so the ship eventually runs out of fuel and crashes into the planet.

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looking at the serverlist i just lolled..


look at the serverloads




very heavy

and Full


seems to the loads, howcome the ones with standard is the fewest and all the others have more peeps on em? shouldnt it be Full that was the standard when its the load on the vast majority?


and btw... only 198 ahead of me now :)

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Very empty, ToFN is the most populated server in the EU and there was 37 people on nar shaddar, what is up with that bioware?



All of these long queues are now creating mission/quest bottle necks, which can lead to zone over population and then server instability. Surly BW will have to act VERY soon, or not as they have said at this beginning of this thread.

Edited by Pheneom
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Ya know i know ya'll know the que's are fine but those of us who have to sit and wait for 2-6 hrs to play a game on a server that ya'll pikked for us is getting a lil old. We, those of us who have ordered the game, would like to have something done about this.
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I have now canceled my 150$ Collectors Edition pre-order. Paying you guys is beginning to make me feel dirty. I am considering the possibility of the basic edition in the future. Congratulations, your poor customer service just cost you 150$. I wonder how many more people are canceling pre-orders that aren't annoyed enough to post about it.
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Waiting for more than 30 minutes to get in is already extremely frustrating...if you add all the disconnection issues...it becomes ridiculous.


For instance, after waiting in queue and finally getting in the first time, I start making a character, I actually took the time to read race descriptions and look at all the aesthetic customization....here's the fun part... as I'm typing the name of my character and getting ready to proceed, I get disconnected, server internal error.... and BACK to the queue!


Since then I've encountered other issues. For instance, if my connection stutters for but a second, my latency will then start getting worse and worse, at first I just hit invisible walls, can't chat, then eventually can't even move. In about 1 minute my ping can reach 150 000 ms which is just ridiculous. The REALLY bad part is that once this occurs, I can't logout and log back in. All I can do is close the game and face the queue again..... so a 1 second lag spike means hours of waiting to play again.


I'm not impressed at all. This is pre-launch so I am giving them a chance. But if on Launch day I still face these issues, I am gone. Shame it's a good game, but if I can't play it then what's the point. I'll also have lost a lot of respect for BioWare and EA.


And of course you can be sure I'll tell all my friends not to buy the game.

Edited by KrazedKitten
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This is garbage, these statements are filled with lies.. Allow me to point them out.


"In order to ensure that the service would be smooth and stable, we staged how we brought people into the Early Game Access program, adding people in waves."


Lie: If you wanted to ensure service you would have received all the data for loads based on the stress test that you did 1 week prior and had them balanced based on that. You would have brought online enough servers to handle that load. Since you are doing this that is a statement that either your hardware vendor is behind on your order, you didn't order enough due to incompetent administration or you just want to create a massive bottle neck.


"As you know, there are a lot of folks who want to play the game right now and we want to make sure they have lots of people to play with. Balancing this with figuring out when to bring new servers online to help alleviate the size of the queues is part art and part science. On one hand, you do not want people to wait too long – on the other hand, you want to make sure that people have a dynamic, engaging community to play with for long after launch. Either way, we have one clear objective – to make sure folks have fun."


Lie: This is a massive lie, if you wanted to have a large community for people to play with you would let them build up with it. If you know you sold 2 million copies.. And you know that you can HANDLE 20,000 people per server then you would have known that you need to turn up a bare minimum of 100 servers. Did you do that? Nope.. You are turning up servers slowly.. So lets go back to the first lie.. Yup.. Looks like poor administration..


The next part you are forgetting to talk about is that doing this roll out you have now made people who play this game with their friends now separated from them, via levels or via quest lines because player a got in and player b was not able to get in for a day.


Now there is the fact that I am paying 79.99$ for this game and will be paying per month to sit in a que every-time I want to play. Explain how sitting and waiting to play a game that I am paying for consists of good service? Perhaps I can do that with paying you.. I make you wait 2 extra days before paying you, your money? Ohh wait you would cancel my account if I did that..


So to summarize you are rolling out one of the worst starts of a game based on your marketing people and poor administration. I would suggest you actually talk to your players and understand what people want and make sure to fire the people in charge of this one of the worst rolls outs in MMO history.

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So, over an hour ago, I call my wife when I leave work to log me in. An hour and 15 minutes later I get home, and I'm stll 256 in line and STILL have "Estimate Wait: < 55m 00s" Hour and a half into this silly little login game of yours, and theres still over a hundred people in front of me.....


As a GM who's been working to pull people into this game from all the other MMO's I've lead guilds in over the past decade, I'm seeing nothing other than a bold faced lie from the OP....


The queues have done nothing other than get markedly worse as more people have been provided their early access. The FACTS do not in any way shape or form even HINT that

....we can promise you that we are taking this matter seriously and constantly reviewing them to make sure that they are manageable and reasonable."


You promise? REALLY????



Then riddle me this batman. Why do I have my guildies leaving the server YOU ASSIGNED US TO to find random servers they can play on that don't have a TWO HOUR queue???


If your network engineers and software developers aren't competent enough, and don't have adequate forward thinking to have ALREADY established a mechanism to dynamically allocate resources on your server farm to compensate for the numbers of people that you ALREADY KNOW will be logging on, then you don't deserve a penny of my hard earned cash. You don't deserve a penny of any of my guildie's hard earned cash. Or my friends. Or even the rebel scum that I *had* intended to crush beneath my boot heel....


It's blatantly obvious that you failed to put adequate mechanisms in place to address the server loading you had ALL of the information to anticipate. Simple math.... Even after DAYS of PAYING CUSTOMERS SCREAMING about the login queues, nothing has been done to resolve, or even IMPROVE the situation. Leaving such a blatantly insulting lie posted as the quote above does nothing but add insult to injury.


Hopefully, there is NO question in your mind regarding exactly how I feel about whether Bioware deserves any of the extreme customer loyalty and extensive free advertising they have enjoyed from me from the launch of Baldur's Gate up UNTIL today...


I'm about ready to put a block on my credit card and cancel my subscription. I WILL NOT pay to play a game that shuts the door in my face.....




@ Elfluffo:

BRAVO on your post.

Edited by Twistyd
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Right now this is not working for me... I am not willing to wait in a queue, it's as simple as that.

I picked a random pvp server tuesday morning when I got the email and started grinding (very much enjoying the actual game)... As of last night my server started having 30+ min queues... So I started another character on a lower population server, but now I dont even feel like leveling because I fear this server will soon have a queue too.

I have continued playing my first character on ther high population server for now, until I know for sure I can get a server with no (or very short) queue.

My question is, will we possibly have the chance for a free server transfer when things are all said and done? If the server does end up being "Full" all the time.

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As a weekend tester I can honestly say I rarely saw a que, and if I did it was 15-20 mins. max, which was tolerable but unusual to me.


My wife plays with me, played WoW with me, and we both played on RP-PVP servers which have historically been low-med pop., she got into early access yesterday (I have been playing already) and after waiting for her first que she logged in and got about 30-60 mins. of playtime in before she had to logout for other issues, we planned on playing together that evening, but after a 45 minute wait for her to get in, and crushing lag in Tython, she got frustrated, shut off her laptop, and said, "If this game is going to be like this, I'm not playing!" Not a great first impression!


Many of our friends from a certain WoW server all coordinated as to where we were going to be playing so we could play together; we also know of people from "RL" who are from other servers also trying to get into same server with us. Server transferring/starting over isn't an option, far as most of us are concerned, but most of us work (hard) for the money, we like to relax afterwards by MMO'ing, and a three hour wait by the time most of us can *think* about logging in would mean we're getting ready to play at the time we should be going to sleep...


In closing, sorry for the tl;dr, but I think I speak for more than a few people, here...

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I dont know if anyone have posted this before, but probably.


You should let people have time to reconect to the server after a disconnect or game crash.

Cant say its fun to be in queue for 3h+ and get disconnected after 30min game play and end up last in the queue.

This happens to alot of people all the time. And personally i dont think thats fair. It should be enough with 5-10 minutes to let us try fix the problem. :cool:

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All of these long queues are now creating mission/quest bottle necks, which can lead to zone over population and then server instability. Surly BW will have to act VERY soon, or not as they have said at this beginning of this thread.


Not necessarily true. Since everyone is q'd, they're all getting the same potential play time.


The only area really that'd have overpopulation would be the starter planet. People on those planets are also the most likely to reroll on another server since they haven't invested as much time in their character.

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This is garbage, these statements are filled with lies.. Allow me to point them out.


"In order to ensure that the service would be smooth and stable, we staged how we brought people into the Early Game Access program, adding people in waves."


Lie: If you wanted to ensure service you would have received all the data for loads based on the stress test that you did 1 week prior and had them balanced based on that. You would have brought online enough servers to handle that load. Since you are doing this that is a statement that either your hardware vendor is behind on your order, you didn't order enough due to incompetent administration or you just want to create a massive bottle neck.


"As you know, there are a lot of folks who want to play the game right now and we want to make sure they have lots of people to play with. Balancing this with figuring out when to bring new servers online to help alleviate the size of the queues is part art and part science. On one hand, you do not want people to wait too long – on the other hand, you want to make sure that people have a dynamic, engaging community to play with for long after launch. Either way, we have one clear objective – to make sure folks have fun."


Lie: This is a massive lie, if you wanted to have a large community for people to play with you would let them build up with it. If you know you sold 2 million copies.. And you know that you can HANDLE 20,000 people per server then you would have known that you need to turn up a bare minimum of 100 servers. Did you do that? Nope.. You are turning up servers slowly.. So lets go back to the first lie.. Yup.. Looks like poor administration..


The next part you are forgetting to talk about is that doing this roll out you have now made people who play this game with their friends now separated from them, via levels or via quest lines because player a got in and player b was not able to get in for a day.


Now there is the fact that I am paying 79.99$ for this game and will be paying per month to sit in a que every-time I want to play. Explain how sitting and waiting to play a game that I am paying for consists of good service? Perhaps I can do that with paying you.. I make you wait 2 extra days before paying you, your money? Ohh wait you would cancel my account if I did that..


So to summarize you are rolling out one of the worst starts of a game based on your marketing people and poor administration. I would suggest you actually talk to your players and understand what people want and make sure to fire the people in charge of this one of the worst rolls outs in MMO history.


Way to sum it all up... I could not agree with more.

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Early access and guild assignment to certain servers.


Our guild was assigned to the Tomb of Freedom Nadd.

This is one server of I think 3-4 that have a 2+ hour que.

We have been in discussion on whether or not to stay on this server or start over (thereby wasting the head start we got from our collectors editions). We decided to not start over and hope for a server split. We would even pay for a transfer as a guild if that option were available.


The problem is SPAIN has claimed this server. And when the game goes live for official launch it means all of the Spanish players that have decided to play on this server will of course want to play with their friends.


We also have our guildmates who were assigned to this server.


Is there ANYWAY possible to split this server or to make a Spanish server so that our Spanish friends can have a nice community as well? I understand they want to play together, that is fine. But! By doing so it is ruining the experience of EVERYONE else. I did not ask to be on this server, I was assigned by the guild prelaunch. I am running out of movies and things to do as I wait to play the game I love.


Please consider my suggestions?

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This is garbage, these statements are filled with lies.. Allow me to point them out.


"In order to ensure that the service would be smooth and stable, we staged how we brought people into the Early Game Access program, adding people in waves."


Lie: If you wanted to ensure service you would have received all the data for loads based on the stress test that you did 1 week prior and had them balanced based on that. You would have brought online enough servers to handle that load. Since you are doing this that is a statement that either your hardware vendor is behind on your order, you didn't order enough due to incompetent administration or you just want to create a massive bottle neck.


"As you know, there are a lot of folks who want to play the game right now and we want to make sure they have lots of people to play with. Balancing this with figuring out when to bring new servers online to help alleviate the size of the queues is part art and part science. On one hand, you do not want people to wait too long – on the other hand, you want to make sure that people have a dynamic, engaging community to play with for long after launch. Either way, we have one clear objective – to make sure folks have fun."


Lie: This is a massive lie, if you wanted to have a large community for people to play with you would let them build up with it. If you know you sold 2 million copies.. And you know that you can HANDLE 20,000 people per server then you would have known that you need to turn up a bare minimum of 100 servers. Did you do that? Nope.. You are turning up servers slowly.. So lets go back to the first lie.. Yup.. Looks like poor administration..


The next part you are forgetting to talk about is that doing this roll out you have now made people who play this game with their friends now separated from them, via levels or via quest lines because player a got in and player b was not able to get in for a day.


Now there is the fact that I am paying 79.99$ for this game and will be paying per month to sit in a que every-time I want to play. Explain how sitting and waiting to play a game that I am paying for consists of good service? Perhaps I can do that with paying you.. I make you wait 2 extra days before paying you, your money? Ohh wait you would cancel my account if I did that..


So to summarize you are rolling out one of the worst starts of a game based on your marketing people and poor administration. I would suggest you actually talk to your players and understand what people want and make sure to fire the people in charge of this one of the worst rolls outs in MMO history.




Good points. I am positive however no one from EA/Bioware is bothering to read this thread.

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