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Regarding server queues


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Time is the one thing they do not have my young padawan... i have felt a great disturbance in the force.. Like a thousand voices crying out in the night... "LEMME IN DAMN IT!!!.. freaking ques!!" and i fear.. it will only get worse young one. Hurry now.. Go back to credit card companies masters and tell them of your plight... for i foresee a great war approaching... We have been told that there is no graphics options.. only wrong settings.. we have been made to believe that there is overpopulation of servers... yet i can sense that something is wrong... may the force be with us.. for i fear the worst is yet to come.


omw master :)

btw im also in que for a while (around 40min) but im not raging. I made some food, read the news etc. Every start is hard. We forget about the ques at the wow start ( sometimes i waited 1 hour for EU-Bloodscalp) and we will forget about this misstake in a month.

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using the car analogy would be more like.. here is a car if you pre-order... then when you get it .. no wheels and no gas.. you get the gas finally (in a que) but you cant go anywhere when you crank it up (graphics problems)..




Lol, fair enough you worded it far better than I. hehe

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Shouldn't it be a simple matter of,


server "Y" can handle only "X" amount of accounts,


then server "Y" is locked to all new accounts when "X" accounts have created characters on that server.


Then after "Z" amount of time with a stagnant account on server "Y", an email is sent saying that the account will be transferd to server to server "W", in 24 hours of this email?



It seems very simple to me.

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Yesterday i sat in que for maybe shorter than 4 hours. that did not bug me one bit and as soon as i got back in it had completely left my mind. I was happy to be and continue to be part of the early access group. I have waited years for this game and you know what i can wait a couple of hours in a que to play. I really don't enjoy the people who blame Bioware for this but i guess they have to have someone to blame. You guys are doing your best and i couldn't be happier. (Its also my fault that i picked a server based on its name "Mind Trick" :D) Keep up the good work Bioware don't let the haters get you down! I know i wont let them stop me from enjoying your game! Cant wait to hear about upcoming patches and more details about.. well... the game :D


- Spizzay


Amen for the not so bright people... Bioware is dropping the ball...Who punishes people for using thier guild system? "Hey guys cool system where u get ur guild assisgned to server!!! o wait only catch is you can't play game on the server we assign u!!!!" Im glad they are screwing everyone over... maybe people will leave quicker and make the ques go down... Cause right now thats the smartest thing bioware is doing lol.

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i was SOOOO looking forward to this game... after playing wow for almost 7 1/2 years (beta time included) and then when it drops.. its like a steaming pile of.. well you know.


I am just hoping and praying they get this fixed before the launch because if not... this game will fail .. and fail harder than any mmo to date. People who have played previous mmos (wow and rift for example) have come to expect a smoothness yet most hate those companies with a passion.. i for one cant stand blizzard anymore because of the way they treat thier customers and i was under the impression that bioware was far different in this way than blizzard... so far all i have seen is maybe 2 posts about the problems from devs.. but no solutions.. no fixes and no etas



give us something to look forward to please!

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Haven't played for some days now as queues on Bloodworthy increased to 3,5h. It's abit sad since I had hoped to play more on early access, but if this continues I hope they make some sort of server transfer system to even things out, which at least for a short period after launch does not add to the 49 euro I will pay for the retail product and the early access cost. Edited by Gotipe
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omw master :)

btw im also in que for a while (around 40min) but im not raging. I made some food, read the news etc. Every start is hard. We forget about the ques at the wow start ( sometimes i waited 1 hour for EU-Bloodscalp) and we will forget about this misstake in a month.


Good luck with those iron patience....

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We often had queues on my wow server(Al'Akir) before the free transfer away from there.


But yeah, waiting over 2h to get into bloodworthy is far to long, completely spoiling my game experience.


We need a grace period when beeing dc'ed, spending 2h+ getting in just to be dc'ed after 10 min or while still in queue is'nt acceptable, definetly driving people from the game.


Changing server realy is'nt an option, with all my friends on bloodworty, most starting to get up to a decent level, nobody want to restart somewhere else.


that was very few servers on WoW. I watched last night and counted almost 20 servers with a 45min plus que. and this is only early access. :(

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I see we still have a few people using the 'its only early access' argument. I will now make it niiiice and simple so that people can understand, seeing as it seems so difficult to right now.



I advertise a new car coming soon. If you pre-order that car, You get free fuel for the first 5 days and the car 5 days early.


Then, upon getting that new car 5 days earlier than it's available in the showrooms, that free fuel is only given to you for one hour per day and it isn't the hour that suits you for when you need to be driving it.


Early access was offered as part of the sale and right now, there are many people simply not getting that. Being told to create new characters when many have played through many levels is not acceptable. Many people were allocated particular servers due to guilds, they did not choose them. Offer to let us migrate for free, or sort the servers out, it's an obvious problem that should surely have been anticipated.


At least now we know why it was upto 5 days early access - cos thats how long you may end up queing!!

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I wouldn't mind so much if I could at least transfer my character to a different server and continue playing.


^ this


I am racking my brain to find a reason WHY they would not offer server transfer?


I just beggers belief, BW's crowd control is fail.

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The following is a brief statement from Jeff Hickman, Executive Producer, Live Services:


"We know there have been questions about the queues on the servers, so we wanted to take a moment to give you some insight.


In order to ensure that the service would be smooth and stable, we staged how we brought people into the Early Game Access program, adding people in waves. As you know, there are a lot of folks who want to play the game right now and we want to make sure they have lots of people to play with. Balancing this with figuring out when to bring new servers online to help alleviate the size of the queues is part art and part science. On one hand, you do not want people to wait too long – on the other hand, you want to make sure that people have a dynamic, engaging community to play with for long after launch. Either way, we have one clear objective – to make sure folks have fun.


While we can’t promise that there won’t ever be queues, we can promise you that we are taking this matter seriously and constantly reviewing them to make sure that they are manageable and reasonable."



only yellow post ..... that tells us they know there is a problem.


No information stating that they have found the problem and working on resolving. No information for an ETA on resolution. No information at all!


this isn't beta anymore! As your PAYING client, we would like more information!

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So far excuses with no real solution and 12/20 has still not arrived. So far what impresses me most about Bioware with this little application is there attention to detail. Users are not asking for excuses more along the lines of a proper solution. If you can't fix the queues work on server transfers.



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Then make more instances of the same server. Rather than 2 make 4 or 5. Then when things settle down just remove 2 or 3 of the instances. That solution seems like a no brainer to me. Or make the number of instances dynamically change based on server load. And if you employ that solution then feel free to send a job offer and pay bonus my way.
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As soon as people start hitting 50 and guilds start to raid, you can't have this kind of queues. No one is going to login 3 hours early for a raid and if somone gets disconnected, they are gone for the rest of the evening.


Untill now they have managed to make this launch good. Beta weekend went fine, stress test weekend was fine to, but now it's just ruined.


i havent thought about that one yet .... it really suck if someone got disconnected while teaming with your guild ... and you can never make a timed appointment :mad:

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Shouldn't it be a simple matter of,


server "Y" can handle only "X" amount of accounts,


then server "Y" is locked to all new accounts when "X" accounts have created characters on that server.


Then after "Z" amount of time with a stagnant account on server "Y", an email is sent saying that the account will be transferd to server to server "W", in 24 hours of this email?



It seems very simple to me.


Dumbest suggestion on this thread yet.

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Disconnected due to a game error three hours ago. Queue spot: 579. ToFN. Something has to be done.



A re-log grace period and/or free server transfers to encourage people who don't want to start over to switch would be a start.

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only yellow post ..... that tells us they know there is a problem.


No information stating that they have found the problem and working on resolving. No information for an ETA on resolution. No information at all!


this isn't beta anymore! As your PAYING client, we would like more information!


somehow i feel this is still a beta stress test... at least im hoping it is.. if they go live this way... this game will fail.. no question about that

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The reason we cant get in is becuase people are begining to use clicker mods.


A program or ability to move while afk, I know as about 50% of my friends use.


So the reason we cant get in is because people are AFK and just staying online. Maybe I should too... :s

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Ii'm going to have to agree with most of the people here. If you are going to charge us money to play, you really need to get rid of the queues.


I'm going to use myself as an example here. I have a dayjob, I have a daughter, I have a wife. I can sometimes set aside 1 hour, maybe 2 to play in the evening. Sitting in line up to 90 minutes is not what I signed up for. Some nights I've given up completely when I loged on and saw the queue and realized that when I get in, I'll have 10 minutes to play around before I need to go sleep.


I imagine I am not alone with this problem as there are a lot of people with jobs and family and other interests in general. When I set aside an hour or two to play I kinda expect to be able to play since its something I have already paid ~$60 and will be paying more every month to play.


So, please do something about it and quickly before the rest of the people show up on the 20:th and double queues.

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