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Regarding server queues


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Well have u ever thought about how its gonna look like if some1 post a screen with 1k+ q and EWT 1h+ in some gaming forums? It seems u haven't learned anything from the other big MMOs... U landed one of the biggest mistakes publisher can make even before the game has been released. GJ!
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Take it easy boys and girls. Yes, its unacceptable, but they are working on it. I think working out a proper solution for this problem could take some time.;)



Time is the one thing they do not have my young padawan... i have felt a great disturbance in the force.. Like a thousand voices crying out in the night... "LEMME IN DAMN IT!!!.. freaking ques!!" and i fear.. it will only get worse young one. Hurry now.. Go back to credit card companies masters and tell them of your plight... for i foresee a great war approaching... We have been told that there is no graphics options.. only wrong settings.. we have been made to believe that there is overpopulation of servers... yet i can sense that something is wrong... may the force be with us.. for i fear the worst is yet to come.

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Took me 4 hours and 20 minutes to log in last night. I started at 6 PM with a queue of over 1,200. Just under two hours later, an alert popped up with some error code I probably should have jotted down and reported. I had to re-queue, this time at just under 1,400. Finally, at 10:20 PM, I got in.


And this is on The Harbinger, where my guild was imported. It's also one of the two servers the Oceanic folks decided to use.


On the other hand, it gave me plenty of time to fix dinner, wash dishes, and watch Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence.

Edited by Bothan
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Time is the one thing they do not have my young padawan... i have felt a great disturbance in the force.. Like a thousand voices crying out in the night... "LEMME IN DAMN IT!!!.. freaking ques!!" and i fear.. it will only get worse young one. Hurry now.. Go back to credit card companies masters and tell them of your plight... for i foresee a great war approaching... We have been told that there is no graphics options.. only wrong settings.. we have been made to believe that there is overpopulation of servers... yet i can sense that something is wrong... may the force be with us.. for i fear the worst is yet to come.


roflmao :)

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I see we still have a few people using the 'its only early access' argument. I will now make it niiiice and simple so that people can understand, seeing as it seems so difficult to right now.



I advertise a new car coming soon. If you pre-order that car, You get free fuel for the first 5 days and the car 5 days early.


Then, upon getting that new car 5 days earlier than it's available in the showrooms, that free fuel is only given to you for one hour per day and it isn't the hour that suits you for when you need to be driving it.


Early access was offered as part of the sale and right now, there are many people simply not getting that. Being told to create new characters when many have played through many levels is not acceptable. Many people were allocated particular servers due to guilds, they did not choose them. Offer to let us migrate for free, or sort the servers out, it's an obvious problem that should surely have been anticipated.

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I think bioware is just being greedy.. They had multiple more copies sold then what was thought to be sold yet they can't take a fraction of the profit to increase the capabilities of the servers? The game may be great but it seems bioware is dropping the ball.... its only a matter of time till people start leaving for these unecessary 5 hour ques just cause bioware wants a bonus for christmas.
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Can anyone give me one GOOD reason why they do not just give everyone the ability to move server?


Lock them after a day or something?


I would move 40 people OFF the Tomb of Freedon nadd right now.


I have guildmembers not joining us as they do not want to wait 4 hours, yes, FOUR hours to play. You are punishing the people that used your guild launch program. We had no choice of where we went. Now it is too late to move as we have names reserved etc, most of us are lvl 30+ with time taken of work to get ahead of the curve.


This is not good.

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I hope you are thinking of something like max. 20 seconds or so. Otherwise I'm out.

This is just insane and never seen it before. And I've played a lot of MMO's.


We often had queues on my wow server(Al'Akir) before the free transfer away from there.


But yeah, waiting over 2h to get into bloodworthy is far to long, completely spoiling my game experience.


We need a grace period when beeing dc'ed, spending 2h+ getting in just to be dc'ed after 10 min or while still in queue is'nt acceptable, definetly driving people from the game.


Changing server realy is'nt an option, with all my friends on bloodworty, most starting to get up to a decent level, nobody want to restart somewhere else.

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My main issue with que times atm is they seem to be high on some servers and then really low on others. I understand the introducing in waves, but this is getting freaking crazy. There are thousands of us who have pre-payed, formed a guild with frineds and then trsuted Bioware to place our entire guild on a server. If you want to control population on the servers fine, but open more servers before 12/20/2011 or this will be a true nightmare. And if we do wish to transfer to a lower pop server it should be free until this mess is straightend out.



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I see we still have a few people using the 'its only early access' argument. I will now make it niiiice and simple so that people can understand, seeing as it seems so difficult to right now.



I advertise a new car coming soon. If you pre-order that car, You get free fuel for the first 5 days and the car 5 days early.


Then, upon getting that new car 5 days earlier than it's available in the showrooms, that free fuel is only given to you for one hour per day and it isn't the hour that suits you for when you need to be driving it.


Early access was offered as part of the sale and right now, there are many people simply not getting that. Being told to create new characters when many have played through many levels is not acceptable. Many people were allocated particular servers due to guilds, they did not choose them. Offer to let us migrate for free, or sort the servers out, it's an obvious problem that should surely have been anticipated.



using the car analogy would be more like.. here is a car if you pre-order... then when you get it .. no wheels and no gas.. you get the gas finally (in a que) but you cant go anywhere when you crank it up (graphics problems)..



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Yesterday i sat in que for maybe shorter than 4 hours. that did not bug me one bit and as soon as i got back in it had completely left my mind. I was happy to be and continue to be part of the early access group. I have waited years for this game and you know what i can wait a couple of hours in a que to play. I really don't enjoy the people who blame Bioware for this but i guess they have to have someone to blame. You guys are doing your best and i couldn't be happier. (Its also my fault that i picked a server based on its name "Mind Trick" :D) Keep up the good work Bioware don't let the haters get you down! I know i wont let them stop me from enjoying your game! Cant wait to hear about upcoming patches and more details about.. well... the game :D


- Spizzay

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Any queue longer then 5 to 10 minutes is unacceptable. You want to and i quote "make sure folks have fun" Sitting in line for an hour before you play is not fun. I dont know how many times i have a spare hour here or there i can play. This is not an option for me at this point since it takes an hour to log on to the system.


Remember we pay you to play this game. Right now you cant make the simple task of logging in possible. So fix it or i guarantee people will not keep playing. I know if the queues aren't down to less than 10 minutes within a week after launch i will be quitting and demanding a refund and as an attorney i dont take no for an answer.

Edited by Etatheta
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2.5 hours queue for legions of lettow this evening.


Fun Saturday night! I have experienced plenty of queues during MMO launches, but this is slightly ridiculous. Especially when the estimate was 1 hour 5 mins lol.


It is annoying since I have been on that server since the first day of early access. Especially considering new players will be still joining and getting access with their level ones and I can't access my character which has been progressing.

Edited by dogmanstaruk
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