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Regarding server queues


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They might. They might not. They understand that people are going to leave and others are going to join.

If you leave you'll either A. Not be missed that much. B. Be back. C. Get replaced and also A.


Sure the game was in beta and development for yada yada yada. They have addressed to the community that they are working on the issue. But it's not going fast enough for you.

These are the same people who complained that they wanted everyone to be in on the same day as everyone else, and now are complaining about the ques.

They gave you want you wanted and rushed you into the game, now you are mad that you have to wait.



Roll a char on Swiftsure and come back in 3 hours. See what toon you're whistling then.

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You cant be serious, almost everyone includeing myself HAS been charged already. Where the heck have you been.


I get it, your parents got you the game for Christmas, guess what? I PAID for mine, and have been unable to play since let in because guess what, I dont have time to sit here for 6 hours waiting to get in. Guess what else, I didnt choose my server, BIOWARE DID.



So please, go back to your hole.


Sorry I paid for mine too. Two collectors editions one for myself and one for my wife.

So you have been charged already? WoW for a game that is coming out on the 20th. This early access is bonus time they gave you to play the game. BONUS time.


How can you not *********** understand that? BONUS TIME!!!!

The game you paid for comes out on the 20th, not today not yesterday. It's EARLY ACCESS....

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They might. They might not. They understand that people are going to leave and others are going to join.

If you leave you'll either A. Not be missed that much. B. Be back. C. Get replaced and also A.


Sure the game was in beta and development for yada yada yada. They have addressed to the community that they are working on the issue. But it's not going fast enough for you.

These are the same people who complained that they wanted everyone to be in on the same day as everyone else, and now are complaining about the ques.

They gave you want you wanted and rushed you into the game, now you are mad that you have to wait.




If there are 1-4 hour cues for the 1st 1-2 months of this game. This game will LOSE huge subscribers.


I don't care about being missed. But Bioware, EA and all the shareholders certainly will when you multiply me x 1,000,000.


There answer to the community is not a good one. Give me a break. What is being done to fix this?


They are pissing off their most loyal customers. People who have waited 3+ years to play this game.


I also did not complain about them letting everyone in at once. So please don't make general statements. I purchased my pre-order the moment it was available. So they did not give me what I wanted whatsoever.....

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The following is a brief statement from Jeff Hickman, Executive Producer, Live Services:

we can promise you that we are taking this matter seriously and constantly reviewing them to make sure that they are manageable and reasonable."[/indent]



Facts that need to be stated:


What exactly are you reviewing?


What exactly are you planning on doing?



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50 min wait to play is not acceptable imo. 5-15 tops thats it, after that its time to start thinking about dropping this game. start givin out free server transfers and puttin up more servers, or start losing people left and right. the game is seriously beautiful, and insanely fun to play, but not with queue times on early access.
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Roll a char on Swiftsure and come back in 3 hours. See what toon you're whistling then.


Same tune I am whistling now.


My server has a 45 minute que. I may not get to play before I have to go into work tonight.

If I don't I don't. If I do then awesome, but I understand what it is like trying to bring servers online, and trying to work on technical stuff while someone is screaming HURRY UP, and those people have no idea how long things normally take.

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50 min wait to play is not acceptable imo. 5-15 tops thats it, after that its time to start thinking about dropping this game. start givin out free server transfers and puttin up more servers, or start losing people left and right. the game is seriously beautiful, and insanely fun to play, but not with queue times on early access.


lol @ 50 minutes. If anyone has a 50 minute queue you're all pansies. I havent been in a queue thats been less tha 3hr and 30 minutes. I just took two naps and im not even near getting in lmao.

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What I don't understand is this.. every damn MMO that has come out has this same damn issue and NONE of them have learned from this huge mistake. Because they really are getting a bad rap for this and it's going to affect the community and the game success itself.


If you get 3 million pre orders.. make enough servers and room for them to not have queue's?? Instead you skimp on the servers fill them all up and everyone has hours of queue's and your company and game gets a horrible rep and it becomes another failed launch.


Please any upcoming MMO's please please learn from the past incompetence of these other companies.

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I'm here to complain also about these server queues. You can't tell me you didn't add up how many people you invited to the game for early access, divided that out between each server, and then didn't know the average play time of players? Because right now every single server is Heavy or Full on my list. I'm sitting here in a queue (which is never EVER fun) and I'm just praying something will be done about this quickly.


The something that can be done is open up the servers a bit more (they are stable...push them harder), open new servers, allow free transfers to those new servers.


Your talk of a "magical balance" is flawed because obviously it's NOT balanced by a long shot.


I hate to pay to wait...and it will make me reconsider playing the game if I have to wait for more than 10 minutes every peak time. Right now I'm waiting a half hour. Gives me time to pick my nose, pick my butt, pick my weeds, and pick something else to do for entertainment.


You guys were so worried about having a stable launch - well now it's too stable. You're halting everyone's progress and just frustrating people by the way you implemented the early access.


~A pissed customer

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Same tune I am whistling now.


My server has a 45 minute que. I may not get to play before I have to go into work tonight.

If I don't I don't. If I do then awesome, but I understand what it is like trying to bring servers online, and trying to work on technical stuff while someone is screaming HURRY UP, and those people have no idea how long things normally take.


No you wouldnt. Swiftsure is full from like noon to forever :mad:


after 6pm eastern time all the queues are over 3 hours.

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I really think they're running the servers at half full to get ppl without guilds to jump on different servers as well as fill out less populated servers. I would expect that after maintanence on monday the servers are going to be fully opened.


However, I could be wrong and this could be a typical MMO launch fail. Which pretty much every MMO has. I think queue's are ridiculous, but I'd rather wait than play a game that is bugged or broken or worse: loses character information.


MMO launch issues that I can remember: Age of Conan being released with no content and Star Trek Online released with a delay after hitting powers.


I'll conceed that both of those games suck

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If there are 1-4 hour cues for the 1st 1-2 months of this game. This game will LOSE huge subscribers.


I don't care about being missed. But Bioware, EA and all the shareholders certainly will when you multiply me x 1,000,000.


There answer to the community is not a good one. Give me a break. What is being done to fix this?


They are pissing off their most loyal customers. People who have waited 3+ years to play this game.


I also did not complain about them letting everyone in at once. So please don't make general statements. I purchased my pre-order the moment it was available. So they did not give me what I wanted whatsoever.....


They are supposed to tell you exactly what they are doing? Do you want to be included in every big business decision they make now?

Maybe they haven't decided? They may be debating.

**** did you think about that?



They don't owe you any explanation on how they are handling anything. You don't have a right to this information. You may feel some self-entitlement, but you don't have a right to it.

Right being something they legally can't take from you..

Sure I would love a better answer too, but pro tip. Threatening people doesn't make them work faster or work harder for you, it makes them resent you.

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I'm seeing alot of upset people about the queues. Sometimes we just want to get on for a few minutes and check on a few things or turn in a quest or two. Those of us who have to make a living really can't afford to be waiting for even a half hour just to play.

The queues will get better I'm sure, I just hope we don't drive away the wrong people because of them early on. I want to play with adults. Not whiny 12 year olds who can't solve a simple quest because they don't know how to read. If I Did want to play with whiny 12 year olds, I'd go back to WoW.

I will say one thing though, people talk about them "adding up" the amount of pre-orders. There are quite a few servers that are NORMAL!!! Why don't you go to those when starting up a character? you may have to deal with a heavy if you want pvp, but you know what? That's your choice.

Edited by Tiburoncin
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What I don't understand is this.. every damn MMO that has come out has this same damn issue and NONE of them have learned from this huge mistake. Because they really are getting a bad rap for this and it's going to affect the community and the game success itself.


If you get 3 million pre orders.. make enough servers and room for them to not have queue's?? Instead you skimp on the servers fill them all up and everyone has hours of queue's and your company and game gets a horrible rep and it becomes another failed launch.


Please any upcoming MMO's please please learn from the past incompetence of these other companies.




If anything, there should be NO CUES right now for early access. There should be more than enough servers with more than enough room until launch when a TON more of peoples friends are going to be joining.






Nice planning Bioware.

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lol @ 50 minutes. If anyone has a 50 minute queue you're all pansies. I havent been in a queue thats been less tha 3hr and 30 minutes. I just took two naps and im not even near getting in lmao.


1257 :made dinner, cleaned the kitchen, put the laundry in, and worked out: now 485 :yawn...off to read and nap


I assume the que is telling me to get my chores done first cause I'll be sitting on my arse for the next 10hours....


:D sometimes you just gotta laugh :D



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So, I get home after most of the weekend being away and unable to play this awesome game. I was aware of the queue length times so was not too fussed when I logged on to The Swiftsure (where I created a character already) and was told 1.5 hours.


I went off and did some chores and got back when I was 5th in the queue. I get logged in.... NO CHARACTER. What?! I log back out and double click on The Swiftsure (which I am 100% certain I selected initially) and now I'm back at the end of the queue which has doubled - 1300th place.




Off to do more chores I suppose... fark.

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I'm posting here to voice my opinions. I speak for myself, no one else, in the following. I want Bioware to know how their customer (me) is concerned.



I work A LOT of hours at work, my game time changes due to the nature of my job. I need to get on, when I'm at home and have the time. I play the time I'm allowed and I logoff.



If I log in and am put in a 45min que, before I can even PLAY the game I've payed for, this isn't going to be the game for me. (Tonight I can't play because 45mins of the hour I have left tonight would go towards waiting in line)



With that said, I'll give BW some "wiggle room" because I'm on "early access" and the game hasn't went live yet. I'll give BW some time to correct the obvious errors the game has. Those errors are the following:



Server sizes are waay too small.


Server wait times are clearly waay too long


If a player gets booted, which I did 4 times early this morning (6AM CST), they should not be put back into a 45 minute que.


Again, I'm going to give you (Bioware) the opportunity the to correct these issues. I believe a month is enough time to correct things. After a months time if I'm still waiting for long ques to get in, getting booted out, then put back into the waiting line, I"ll be cancelling my subscription and writting off online games all together. I'm not going to risk spending my income, if I'm not going to get what I payed for.

Edited by ModaanOfTarq
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Yeah 2-5 hour queues any time of the day due to the Oceanic + NA peak times.


Seriously need an Oceanic sticker slapped on the Swiftsure. The community already came to this conclusion after months of planning, unfortunately the Americans wont listen until Bioware does something.

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This afternoon I had a few hours to play. I spent over an hour in queue, then when I got on I grouped up with a friend of mine and we started Esseles. Right as we were turning the starter quest in, he DC'd. He was placed in the back of the queue and had to wait another hour to get back on. Needless to say, we couldn't do the flashpoint. I'm logging back onto WoW right now so that I can actually get some playtime in this weekend.


Bioware, please fix this. There has been many good suggestions in this thread already. If you don't have this fixed in the first few weeks, I'm afraid most of us wont establish a subscription, and that is truly unfortunate as this game has alot of potential.





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