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Merc was Nerfed again a few days ago?

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Its crazy. I actually liked the arsenal merc after 1.2 even though TM was nerfed. Now their burst was nerfed into oblivion a few days ago. I just dont understand why the developers do what they do? Tank sins are still stupid and marauders/sheesh. Crazy Game!


They tested the pvp with the bug then fixed it with zero testing.

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the funny thing is they claim there was a bug that made our grav stacks count for all commandos, giving us those big hits on our insta, when more than one person was spamming grav

if this is the case and the only thing they fixxed, then why was i seing about the same dmg when i was the only commando in a group?

anyway the nerf to grav seem to be way more than 10%(somebody claims the armor debuff no longer works) and the only thing making up for it was that we got bursty, now we arent bursty anymore either, just mediocre dps that is easy to shut down

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the funny thing is they claim there was a bug that made our grav stacks count for all commandos, giving us those big hits on our insta, when more than one person was spamming grav

if this is the case and the only thing they fixxed, then why was i seing about the same dmg when i was the only commando in a group?

anyway the nerf to grav seem to be way more than 10%(somebody claims the armor debuff no longer works) and the only thing making up for it was that we got bursty, now we arent bursty anymore either, just mediocre dps that is easy to shut down


Unfortunately I have to agree. Me and a few of my guildies were testing it and we have 0 burst DPS atm. I hope they look into this more. I dont want to roll a tank spec. Its not my thing.

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Same, I was playing pyro merc before patch, after the latest hsm 'fix' I switched to arsenal and it was total crap, I'm probably gonna quit because the merc class is gonna be crap for a long time it seems.


1.2 was supposed to make the game more enjoyable, all it did was stress class imbalance.

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you guys better reroll. i started making a mara as soon as i saw the patch notes and man am i glad i did


Yep, sadly I did the same thing. It's really poor in a game like this where it takes forever to build up a character to BiS gear only to have it nerfed to the point of being a liability.


BTW...my other character I had well geared was a sorc healer. Yeah, I got destroyed by the nerf bat (although sorc healer was op).

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Yeah I was actually not minding the changes much with getting descent crits on Heatseaker. I never saw the crazy crits that others are claiming, but it did hit fairly hard. I think the problem with the game is non gamers are developing it. Every class needs to be fun, I honestly think this was a very bad decision for long term game health.
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the funny thing is they claim there was a bug that made our grav stacks count for all commandos, giving us those big hits on our insta, when more than one person was spamming grav

if this is the case and the only thing they fixxed, then why was i seing about the same dmg when i was the only commando in a group?

anyway the nerf to grav seem to be way more than 10%(somebody claims the armor debuff no longer works) and the only thing making up for it was that we got bursty, now we arent bursty anymore either, just mediocre dps that is easy to shut down


I feel your pain. We are currently mediocre when it comes to single target DPS and getting TMs off is easier said than done at times.

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you guys better reroll. i started making a mara as soon as i saw the patch notes and man am i glad i did


I have a sent alt and they just aren't my play style. i have hope that they will balance the game out, but it seems hopeless. I do like the WZ comm improvement though. I feel they also did well with moving the TM animation to fusion. I feel much more BHish now, but they need to fix the DPS problems after 1.2c. Its honestly making it tough to hang in there, especially after the aggravation caused by the moving the BM mods fiasco.

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Yep, sadly I did the same thing. It's really poor in a game like this where it takes forever to build up a character to BiS gear only to have it nerfed to the point of being a liability.


BTW...my other character I had well geared was a sorc healer. Yeah, I got destroyed by the nerf bat (although sorc healer was op).


my second toon was a corruption sorc too lol

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