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Who designed Taris?


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Taris is a double-edged sword.


It's huge and tangled and if you never played KOTOR, you miss a LOT of the little things.


For example, there's a mission where you're scanning swoop bikes looking for a component. If you've played KOTOR, you realize exactly WHAT bike you're looking for, why it's there, and exactly who rode it.


It wasn't just a "widget" at that point. I was finding long-lost history. And yes, the series of holorecordings regarding the fate of the last survivors of Taris was kinda heartbreaking and bittersweet, if you knew how much went into giving them that chance.

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Ah Taris...


As someone who played KOTOR this planet was a nice epilogue for that series. KOTOR vets go back to a planet we last witnessed being blown to bits by Darth Malak's fleet.


And the great thing about the planet....the design makes you really feel the death and destruction of that bombardment 300 years in the past. Take a moment while questing and just stand there...surrounded by ruins. The skyscrapers creak and groan and rattle in the wind. The music is dark and moody. The rakghouls have taken over. The "Chasing History" quest line is sad and moving. The ruins of the Endar Spire tug at your heart when you see it's shattered bulk in the remains of the cityscape.


It's a big planet, and a task to run through, but...one of the last planets where you are forced to take a little time and soak yourself in one of the more tragic environments in the Star Wars galaxy.

Edited by HistoryGods
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Regarding hating/loving specific planets, my perception has changed in an interesting way after levelling up a second character. I took more time to explore with my second character rather than rushing through everything to 50 and I ended up loving every planet, even the ones I disliked in my first go (including Tython and Taris). The amount of work that went into designing the environments becomes really apparent once you slow down and smell the roses so to say.
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I hate Republic version of Taris but I love Empire version of Taris.


After leveling with both I believe this summates my opinion nicely.


Unless you are slightly ahead of the curve in leveling; running this planet without a speeder is painful as Republic.

However on the empire side; well you really get a feel for "The best, worst place in the galaxy" as I so affectionately call it.


This is one of those places where surround sound is mandatory. I recently massively upgraded my sound and have since been blown away at all the little environmental subtle channels I had been missing. That first time I heard the long, tired groan of strained metal while standing near some ruins I darn near thought the building could fall over on top of me!


I love Taris, it is visually, and audibly exactly what the skeleton of a planet should be. And note; I have never played KoToR so even without a previous connection to the location; I still thoroughly enjoyed it.

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I have to say it's one of my favorite planets to play on, I took my time and explored everything through the darkness on the Empire side and through the shadows and sun light of the Republic's version of Taris. The music was perfect as well as the ambient sounds. Like others have mentioned, if you remember Taris from KoToR then you can really relate to the story and revisiting now in SWTOR. As for getting around Taris, I had no problems or issues. People complained about walls and debris in the way...lol it's a ruined planet covered in destroyed cityscape terrain so yea it wasn't meant to be easily navigated like a new paved parking lot....
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I hated Taris in Beta (that's where I actually quit playing ...) ... So my toons now are mainly Empire ... I dreaded the moment when my Jedi Shadow would set feet on Taris ... but what can I say? Now I really like it.
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Although it isn't my favorite it's up there.


Kind of depressing to learn that my Imperial Agent has undone all the stuff my Trooper and Jedi Knight has done though. The planet is very well designed, I really do feel like I'm sifting though the ruins of a Coruscant-like city world. The rakghouls are a pain when I'm just trying to get quests done though. I understand that the world is supposed to be brimming with them- But sheesh.

Edited by Karthannar
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Taris is fine for it's purpose.


My constructive criticism in hope to improve it would be to take advantage of its vertical nature and not just the horizontal nature.


That's sort of true for all planets. You could have levels of these planets to help expand the world and world type feelings.

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Taris Design: Awesome.


Taris Layout: Not so awesome.


Takes an hour to get anywhere as republic and you can't do any "shortcuts", since the pathways are blocked by humongous ships.


The idea is cool, but once you spend 60% of your time on a planet travelling, it gets boring pretty fast.

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Taris is fine for it's purpose.


My constructive criticism in hope to improve it would be to take advantage of its vertical nature and not just the horizontal nature.


That's sort of true for all planets. You could have levels of these planets to help expand the world and world type feelings.


Yeah in future patches or expansions it would be cool to see the planet move upward like with Nar Shadda.

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