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Being Rude


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To me, pvp needs some sort of trash talk. We need to have a friendly enemy to enhance the game in my opinion. Spitting at someone and some of the other things is just plan childish but having some healthy banter back and forth adds to having an attackable ememy.


I think this game lacks in that department and hurts pvp in a way. Right now, you go into a WZ and just play against people who really don't stand out other than maybe they kill you or you kill them a bunch. No rivalry is really created and thus it is a black slate each time you queue up it seems.


Mature players can talk trash in a classy way, as well as, take trash coming back at them. :D:wea_03:

Edited by Cynomen
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To me, pvp needs some sort of trash talk. We need to have a friendly enemy to enhance the game in my opinion. Spitting at someone and some of the other things is just plan childish but having some healthy banter back and forth adds to having an attackable ememy.


I think this game lacks in that department and hurts pvp in a way. Right now, you go into a WZ and just play against people who really don't stand out other than maybe they kill you or you kill them a bunch. No rivalry is really created and thus it is a black slate each time you queue up it seems.


Mature players can talk trash in a classy way, as well as, take trash coming back at them. :D:wea_03:



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Why not try an experiment? Create two new characters: Peter Polite and Jerry Jerk. Play them alternately.


With Peter be as nice as you can possibly be. Say please and thank you. Let other loot and grab mobs. Make helpful suggestions when asked. That sort of thing.


When you play Jerry, unleash your inner three year old. Mock other players. Kill steal. Be abusive and nasty.


After two weeks, see which character gets invites. So who is responded to in general chat. See which one is more fun to play.


You may just have an epiphany. Or you may really like being a three year old in need of a good spanking.

Edited by mousestalker
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I guess I don't understand why people expect everyone to be "nice" in this game. There are "good" characters in this game (namely Jedi) and "evil" characters in this game (namely Sith). IMO, if a Sith truly wants to roleplay his character, the Sith is going to be a jerk. No, "ifs," "ands," or "buts" about it. If you're making in-game decisions like designing bio-weapons or slaughtering innocent NPCs, why should evil players all of a sudden change in PVP?


Also, why would there even be "spit" commands and so forth if they weren't meant to be used? It's all part of the game.

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I guess I don't understand why people expect everyone to be "nice" in this game. There are "good" characters in this game (namely Jedi) and "evil" characters in this game (namely Sith). IMO, if a Sith truly wants to roleplay his character, the Sith is going to be a jerk. No, "ifs," "ands," or "buts" about it. If you're making in-game decisions like designing bio-weapons or slaughtering innocent NPCs, why should evil players all of a sudden change in PVP?


Also, why would there even be "spit" commands and so forth if they weren't meant to be used? It's all part of the game.


I agree to an extent. However the spit command has NO PLACE in any game and should not be here. Some emotes are just very immature no matter what roleplay you are doing. Additionally, heavy roleplay has servers for such syles, so for you, it would be best to be on those servers correct?


I am no angel by any means but playing in a mature way, no matter what style, and spitting on everyone you see because it is in the game is a big difference.


Our characters are extentions of ourselves be that people admit it or not. I know I wouldnt want to be spit on in real life, so why would I in a game? :D:wea_03:

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I agree to an extent. However the spit command has NO PLACE in any game and should not be here. Some emotes are just very immature no matter what roleplay you are doing. Additionally, heavy roleplay has servers for such syles, so for you, it would be best to be on those servers correct?


I am no angel by any means but playing in a mature way, no matter what style, and spitting on everyone you see because it is in the game is a big difference.


Our characters are extentions of ourselves be that people admit it or not. I know I wouldnt want to be spit on in real life, so why would I in a game? :D:wea_03:


What happens if someone is telling me a joke as I am drinking something and I /spit my drink all over them in laughter? Or if I arrive in Anchorhead after riding around in the hot Tatooine desert all day and I /spit some of the sand out of my mouth?

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I like to discuss on players being mean and rude to other players during PvP and Warzones. Why is it that players make rude emotions (laughing and spitting for example) and insults to their opponents?

Its the gaming-equivalent of Smacktalk. Its common language in every competetive sport, expecially if its a 1on1, Team vs Teamsport.

Does it achieve something?

It does indeed. It enrages yur opponent and gives you a edge. Again, same thing as in Reallife-Sports.

But still, it's just a game. Everyone should just have fun, make friends and respect other players instead of removing the fun with drama and being rude like they did with WoW.

Oh boy, thats so sweet, I think I got diabetes just by reading that. While I do agree with you in PvE, PvP is something completely different. Competition always leads to expressed emotions.

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Coming from a pure pvp game with open world pvp I can say pvp-ers insult the opponent as a form of taunt it also sometimes can make the opponent angry which makes him an easy target because angry people don't focus on their skills and countermeasures.


Yes for some this is an annoying thing but in pvp it's a tactic used by many to provoke the other to attack or make mistakes.


For insulting people in the same faction, well some people wish they could PK their own faction. Even I once in a while wish I could PK them. Some instead of PK-ing go insulting. It's a form of text based pvp. :rolleyes:

Edited by Kirameki
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