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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

PVP is dieing


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I dont really think you guys know who to get a grasp on pvp. Sadly, its not the content that is ruining it, Its all the hackers. We report and report and yet here they are, there to ruin yet another match. Its quite litterly out of control. Its really bad on the harbringer server.


Before all of you ney sayers and non believers go off on me, lots of hacks exsist in this game. Its easy to do since most of the files are client side. When agents and smugglers backstab you 10 times in a minute (completely ignoring cooldowns), its not part of the game, and they are not just better players. When stealthers place bombs on the door invsed, they're gear has nothing to do with them winning. Thats just a few, there are many more.


I am the last of my 12 friends to still play, the rest are fed up...Yes, i know not everyone pvps...We didnt start out that way, but its all thats left to us after you beat all the content and get your gear...If my friends are quiting, there is probably alot more subs flying out the door. I am not asking for nerfs, leave the classes alone and let us play...just get rid of the hacking please.


This isnt that hard to fix, set up a ghost program that constantly scans files...if it finds one that doesnt meet the patch server files, it deletes it and re-downloads...problem solved...For goodness sake, even WoW could make this work

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Good suggestion. Fix it programmers... do something about pvp. I haven't won in a week trying to que solo. I don't know if its hacks or mismatched teams but something is wrong. Fix pvp programmer people! :wea_03:
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So because you got your *** kicked in PVP you automatically say its hacking and that PVP is dying? I have been playing this game for about 3 months and i have never come across a single hack in the odd 500-1000 WZs i have done, maybe they were hacking, but i highly doubt that there is a hacker in every single warzone.
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So because you got your *** kicked in PVP you automatically say its hacking and that PVP is dying? I have been playing this game for about 3 months and i have never come across a single hack in the odd 500-1000 WZs i have done, maybe they were hacking, but i highly doubt that there is a hacker in every single warzone.


Maybe there arn't many hackers on your server or you are playing on the hackers team lol :rolleyes:


Another problem is the imbalance of the solo que and fighting teams of healers or "A Teams" as we call them on my server.

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i was hearing about hacks but since open beta didn't encounter a case...

yesterday i saw my first speed hacker... the idiot forced speed his way from the ball pedestal in the mid all the way to the goal line ...

usually o don't notice those guys being a sniper an minding my cool downs helping others but this guy i was in a excellent vantage point and aiming him in order to leg shoot him even before he took possession of the ball...

hack is real for me since yesterday.

BW you were boasting about your telemetry data acquisition...

make a nice program loop with a speeder. place the normal speed conditions for the specific AC and an if condition do ban the IP / account of the speed freaks... so dam easy for pro programmers.

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