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Arsenal Damage Rotation w/1.2


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Just specced into Arsenal this morning! I have to admit, it's a nice break from healing and having to worry about the rest of the group. I can just focus on taking out individual players, especially healers on the other team. Nice to have Mako back as well! Anyways, I've got no clue how to play. I feel like I'm just hitting TM pretty often, and throwing in RS and HSM whenever I feel like I've got enough TM's off. I also don't really use Unload as effectively as I could. Should I wait until I see barrage proc once, then fire unload, and wait for another proc and fire unload again? What should my rotation be looking like?


Oh, and this is the spec I'm running with now. Any suggestions?




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Just specced into Arsenal this morning! I have to admit, it's a nice break from healing and having to worry about the rest of the group. I can just focus on taking out individual players, especially healers on the other team. Nice to have Mako back as well! Anyways, I've got no clue how to play. I feel like I'm just hitting TM pretty often, and throwing in RS and HSM whenever I feel like I've got enough TM's off. I also don't really use Unload as effectively as I could. Should I wait until I see barrage proc once, then fire unload, and wait for another proc and fire unload again? What should my rotation be looking like?


Oh, and this is the spec I'm running with now. Any suggestions?





First of all, PVE or PVP?


It looks like PVP since you took pinning fire (pretty much useless in PVE). In that case, you want afterburners and finish out barrage in the next 3 levels. Get rid of med tech and put that one and next 2 in hired muscle. Then there is not much to choose from that is that great. Take advanced targeting and then endurance. I prefer all of that over med tech. Your ability to heal is minimal, and in battle you will probably only get off 1 heal with an instacast (anything else is a waste). The rare times you use it more than once where you are technically in battle but not fighting will be rare. If you are PVE you don't want pinning fire, jet escape, or afterburners.


As for your rotation, it's pretty simple although pvp throws a wrench in the works due to interrupts. Anyway, the base rotation is...


tracer, tracer, tracer, unload (even if barrage is not proc'd), heatseekers, tracer, tracer, railshot.


After your first unload you will want to use unload any time it procs (ribbons around your body). It hits hard and keeps heat down due to being a 3 second channel. You can also use fusion missile combined with thermal sensor override when that is up (2 min cooldown). The rest of the time it's all tracer and then heatseekers or railshot when they come off cooldown.


Now, pvp is the big problem due to interrupts. Let me know if you are PVP or PVE.

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First of all, PVE or PVP?


It looks like PVP since you took pinning fire (pretty much useless in PVE). In that case, you want afterburners and finish out barrage in the next 3 levels. Get rid of med tech and put that one and next 2 in hired muscle. Then there is not much to choose from that is that great. Take advanced targeting and then endurance. I prefer all of that over med tech. Your ability to heal is minimal, and in battle you will probably only get off 1 heal with an instacast (anything else is a waste). The rare times you use it more than once where you are technically in battle but not fighting will be rare. If you are PVE you don't want pinning fire, jet escape, or afterburners.


As for your rotation, it's pretty simple although pvp throws a wrench in the works due to interrupts. Anyway, the base rotation is...


tracer, tracer, tracer, unload (even if barrage is not proc'd), heatseekers, tracer, tracer, railshot.


After your first unload you will want to use unload any time it procs (ribbons around your body). It hits hard and keeps heat down due to being a 3 second channel. You can also use fusion missile combined with thermal sensor override when that is up (2 min cooldown). The rest of the time it's all tracer and then heatseekers or railshot when they come off cooldown.


Now, pvp is the big problem due to interrupts. Let me know if you are PVP or PVE.


Awesome, this is exactly what I'm looking for! Thanks so much!


I'd say 75% PvP, 25% PvE. The PvE is pretty much just for leveling, once I hit 50 almost all my playing will be PvP.

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A very friendly advice,if u really want to pvp most of the time,after the small hotfix (hotfail i'd say) after the 1.2 patch in which they broke heatseeker missiles,my advice for u is to go pyro all the way.Once 1.2 was introduced,arsenal became finally the spec it was meant to be,all or nothing.High risk(tracer interrupted,no kiting ability),high reward(watch them turn to pieces,which is exactly what a dps must do,sure we have heals we have cleanse,but that doesnt make us healers,90% of the case u wont heal ur teammates and cleanse them ALL the game and that ISNT ur job due to overheating and extreme casting time for heals as dps).Sigh..now pretty much we offer nothing that a pyro merc cant offer on the table,sure we got the tracer debuff but mind me,good luck spamming it to support ur team IF the opponents let u....And for real,is this where we came to?Is this the class we became now?A SUPPORT dps?No i dont accept this.I cant accept this.We dont even have an interrupt to begin with.Our stuns offer HUGE resolve in comparison with many other cc abilities and frankly,we dont have STUNS.We have A stun.Without power surge,good luck casting 2 sec a MEZ.Funny thing is,poor pyro cant mez with concussion most of the times, unless its an opener or the opponent cleanses frequently,due to dots breaking it.So really in our current state what more do we offer vs pyro?A week ago i was asking the community on this forum what more pyro offers now to the table compared to all other classes and many people sadly agreed.Look where we came to in just a week....we are below pyros(merc pyros always).Call this QQ or whatever u want it but for a class without an interrupt and with so much needance in casting in a PvP where everyone and their mom has tons of cc and interrupts(well not mercenary) to turn it into a support-the-dps-with-a-debuff is something i cant accept it.I wont accept it.Sorry got a little carried,but im trying to inform u about the things ur going to put urself in.


In conclusion:Pyro ATM is in a better state for pvp unless ur teammates are in the mood to breastfeed u,babysit u,put u dippers on and sing a song to u.

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