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PvP Queueing Problem


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Hey guys, I don't know if it's just me... but when I queue for pvp, it allows me to queue but around 5 minutes later, it unqueues itself and I didn't play a single pvp game for the WHOLE day today


is this a bug? anyone have this problem too? I'm in Hyperspace Cannon I believe

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different thing happened to me earlier today,

i queued the warzone, and did a /who to see my sides lv 50 players location (so that i know whether anyone playing a warzone or not). at first i saw people playing inside a warzone, so ok i think ill wait for that one game to finish, since we didnt have that much people online at the time anyway for another wz instance.

doing some other stuff for a while, leaving the pvp queue enabled, i didnt get a wz queue popup minutes after minutes. looked back at the /who, i saw them already playing a different wz. i thought again it might be my bad luck or something with the queue, so i waited again.

after another while without the queue popup, i looked again and there they were, playing yet another wz match, but this time with only 7 players. i quickly disabled and reenabled the queue and suddenly i instantly get a warzone popup and i finally able to get in one.

there were no premades involved.


theres an issue with the queueing.

Edited by Wesgile
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Hey guys, I don't know if it's just me... but when I queue for pvp, it allows me to queue but around 5 minutes later, it unqueues itself and I didn't play a single pvp game for the WHOLE day today


is this a bug? anyone have this problem too? I'm in Hyperspace Cannon I believe


Just to rule out the more obvious stuff...

-were you doing anything wonky with your UI that may have caused the Warzone pop-up not to appear (modifying UI settings/layout, etc)

-were you doing space-combat (long ago if the WZ popped while the space combat loading screen was on, it might not show)

-were you zoning into planets/zones/etc that take 1 minute+ for the load screen?

-any chance you modified your UI and somehow moved the notification window off-screen or buried it below another element? (don't know if this is even possible, but just in case...)

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