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Empire way overpopulated?


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How's your servers so far? I just checked bloodworthy(which is full of swedish,danish and norwegians all going empire with their 500member guilds) and currently on bounty hunter/imperial agent there is 160, republic side for troopers/smugglers is 48...


It's ridiculous lol.

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How's your servers so far? I just checked bloodworthy(which is full of swedish,danish and norwegians all going empire with their 500member guilds) and currently on bounty hunter/imperial agent there is 160, republic side for troopers/smugglers is 48...


It's ridiculous lol.


its going to stay that way until bioware unleashes the hounds so to speak and open up these waves for a larger audience. until then enjoy your vastly imbalanced factions and no healers/tanks.

Edited by chrisftw
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