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Been playing Rage since 1.2 but thinking of going back to Anni, thoughts?


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Here is my situation, I leveled with Rage, switched to Anni at 50 and loved how quick things felt, and how you essentially had 2 interrupts with FC being 0 distance. However, 1.2 came out and I was putting up solid numbers on the dummy with both Rage and Anni, but went back to Rage.


The reason is, I raid once a week with my guild, pretty softcore. 99% of my time is spent in pvp as a solo queuer, and on my server the lack of 50 healers is laughable on imperial. I am basically doing a job as a grenade, but that's about it. Putting up solid numbers (300k+ when I actually have a healer), but don't feel like I'm helping objectives as much as I did with Anni.


On the dummy, I put up about 1200 DPS with about 4 BM pieces and the rest a mixmatch of columi/champ, which I think is decent for single target.


Has anyone had any experiences using both specs after 2.1? If so, what did you end up settling on?


(note: if I can do more dps with Anni on single target, it may be worth going back just for the sake of our one raid per week, but would probably have to be 100+ dps.. is 1,300 common with anni?)

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I just went Rage tonight. Its amazing with heals and far from a gimmick like what people say. However you are very squishy and rage generation seems to be a problem.


I like Annihilation better because single target dps trumps aoe any day of the week. It may be less, but its effective dps.

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Yea, you bring up a good point. Seeing as I solo queue, the survivability of Anni may alone be worth the switch. I respec'd a bunch of times about two weeks ago, hopefully the cost to respec is down again. Don't feel like spending 100k per
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I just went Rage tonight. Its amazing with heals and far from a gimmick like what people say. However you are very squishy and rage generation seems to be a problem.


I like Annihilation better because single target dps trumps aoe any day of the week. It may be less, but its effective dps.


Try prioritizing vicious slash over force scream until you have like 7 rage or are outa range.

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