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Carnage, PvP, and frustration


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Let me preface this by saying I LOVE carnage spec. It's everything I wanted the marauder to be in terms of skills, how they look, and the root/AOE speed buff is a lot of fun to me.


I would like to keep playing carnage if at all possible as well. The problem is that with every piece of BM gear I pick up I seem to lose more and more power in return for crit and accuracy. It seems to me, however, that power is really our bread and butter stat. It's a tad bit frustrating to feel somewhat pushed towards annihilation.


So how would I go about getting the proper stats in my gear to continue using carnage? Is it pretty much just going to have to be me picking up extra gear to take the mods out? Am I perhaps wrong and the current BM gear is actually fine for the spec? I am getting a little concerned because with every piece of what I feel should be upgrades it seems that my damage is suffering more and more for only a fraction more survival.

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Stock BM gear is trash.


Way to be helpful -_-............


Now as for the OP, understand that even your War Hero gear is gonna need to be shuffled around a bit. I'd recommend using http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/ to check out what your stats will roughly look like if you re-mod your stuff. Granted, it's not 100% accurate but it'll give you ballparks no sweat. I wouldn't worry about A-tab stuff with that tool either, it's a pain. (trust me on that one)


To actually answer your question, I'm currently rocking full BM, Rakata OH, an Ops proc-relic, a crafted power relic, and I'm doing wonderfully as Carnage. Really, if I were you, I wouldn't worry too much about killing yourself to remod your stuff until you have a full set of War Hero in hand. BM, though crappily itemized, atm is fine for Carnage. You might do better with it as Annihilation, but if you're good with Carnage it's not gonna hold ya back any.

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