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Just looking for confirmation ( war hero set question )


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So I understand that in order to get the set bonus on the augmented War Hero orange gear you need to transfer the War Hero armoring piece into it.


What I'm curious about is if you indeed need to have chest piece armoring go into into the chest and gloves into gloves etc.


Also, is it possible to use the war hero armouring piece on random orange pieces and still get the set bonus?


Thanks for any clarification.

Edited by kapxis
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Bumping, page 3 already 0_0


Also, i have searched for this answer, but I've only managed to come across one post which addresses this directly, but even that post didn't seem certain and i didn't want to take one persons word for it. Thanks.

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ok, for anyone curious, the armoring piece is indeed limited to chest for chest and boots for boots etc


still dont know if you can transfer the armoring to non pvp pieces and keep the set bonus

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From what i've seen set bonus's don't transfer over. At least not from battlemaster to war hero. In order to transfer the augments over you need the specific piece. Chest goes into chest, etc. That way you can't just buy up 5 boots and transfer boot armoring pieces over to all the others.
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The answer is yes, it needs to go into the matching piece and yes you can transfer them to any orange gear and keep the set bonus.


This is right. The armoring will say what slot and if it has the set bonus attached to it. If it says it has the set bonus itll transfer to any orange armor as long as it matches the slot type (chest to chest, boots to boots, etc.)

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