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so what's the best dps pve build after 1.2?


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i'm not saying this is the best, but this is what i'm using right now.


i'm still doing some tests and asking some questions, like 'does havoc rounds affect the DoT on incendiary round?' or 'do i really need adrenaline fueled or reflexive shield?'


i do feel that the inc healing and the +5% endurance really helps out a lot though after the healing nerfs.

moreso than steadied aim since, other than certain fights like the penultimate EV boss fight, i'm not going to worry about pushback that often

i also don't use charged bolts often enough to really justify spending a point in it, but if i find two points in reflexive shield or adrenaline fueled is too much, that's probably what i would pick up first.


i'm also still getting used to the rotation. i haven't done any tests of this versus gunnery, but i find that i pull aggro quite a bit more (still working on why... i even pulled aggro by doing nothing more than hitting hammer shot. i have a feeling it might be the tank though), and i will say that trash mobs melt very quickly with a plasma grenade and hail of bolts

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