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Mouse Turners, How do you move? Honest confessions of a keyboard turner...


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Once you get used to it you'll wonder why you ever played the old way. Having all your skills within easy reach is a life saver, not to mention it will seriously improve your typing speed and accuracy.


I use the following for keybinds


1-4 - main attacks - 4 is my free attack

shift 1-4 - secondary attacks / throw huttball / sleep dart

5 - dot

shift 5 - cleanse / droid cc / threat dump

6 - energy heavy move - grenade

` - orbital strike

q - stun

shift + q - secondary stun

e - something you use a lot (stealth for me as an operative)

shift + e - vanish

r - backstab for me

shift + r - acid blade / corrosive grenade

v - shield

shift + v - combat rez

z - relic

shift z - 2nd relic

f - hidden strike

shift + f - cover

g - interrupt



All of those are easily within reach and I don't even have to think about them anymore.

Edited by KrittaB
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How do you look around if you're not mouse turning? I'm not trying to be offensive, but I thought pure keyboard turners went away with doom 2. I actually use a combination, depending on the situation. Since you have to aim AOE's with the mouse, i"ll use the kb to look around while doing so. But the mouse is far superior, since you can raise and lower the camera at the same time, keeping a much better view of the field of battle.
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I used a mouse for the bulk of my play so far (easier to loot with and targeting my death from above), but Im building up a warrior for pvp so I'm trying to re-program myself for keyboard usage. So far this is my system: I use the number pad (4-6) for for movement & turning and the lower buttons for no-move abilities; I use the left 6 buttons on main keyboard for hotbuttons. Turning has been a problem for me, keyboard turning feels glacial to me after using the mouse for so long. Does anyone know if there is any way to speed it up? Or if BW has indicated that they'll add that in at some point?
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How do you look around if you're not mouse turning? I'm not trying to be offensive, but I thought pure keyboard turners went away with doom 2. I actually use a combination, depending on the situation. Since you have to aim AOE's with the mouse, i"ll use the kb to look around while doing so. But the mouse is far superior, since you can raise and lower the camera at the same time, keeping a much better view of the field of battle.


This is actually something I'm a bit confused about as someone who uses the keyboard and wants to incorporate mouse turning.


When I use the keyboard, I can pan the camera to look around WHILE continuing to move forward. This is very useful, for example, in the Alderaan Civil war when running towards the left turret at the beginning of the game. I hold down W to run towards it while turning the mouse to get a sense of what if any opposition is coming from the other side. It seems that with mouse turning, this is impossible. Any pan of the camera would turn my character as well, thus leading me away from my objective.


I am also confused as to what people are talking about with all of the suggestions to strafe. When I am turning the character with my house, strafing doesn't seem to add anything. Someone for instance said they turn corners by holding down the right mouse button and strafing - but simply holding down the right mouse button and turning the mouse wile either holding W or the left mouse button produces as tight a turn as possible. What does the strafe key do in this circumstance? In fact, I'm playing around a great deal with it right now and I can't seem to figure out what the strafe key could possibly add in general, entirely apart from corner?

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I think console gaming has programed me that left hand is for movement, and right hand is for abilites / actions.

I find it difficult to switch between one method and the other when going from console to pc, and back


I find console and PC gaming is exactly the same. Left hand for movement, right hand for aiming and directional movement. So while you feet are moving because of your left, it's the direction you face that changes with your right.


I switch between PC and console with little to no issues. Once you think of it this way, You will have no problems :)


Because it's more sensitive with the mouse, you gain a larger accuracy in FPS games.

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Somebody pls enlighten me on this:

I have this huge discomfort that i cannot move the mouse while i am holding the key for a long time. I hate dragging actions. If I could turn without having to hold down a mouse button i would be very happy, but right now it is a total pain for me to play for hours with one button clicked. The difference between moving a mouse and clicking and moving the mouse while holding the button pressed for a long time is simply way too huge for me.


This is why i am still using keyboard turning.


Anyone can advice me on that?

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Somebody pls enlighten me on this:

I have this huge discomfort that i cannot move the mouse while i am holding the key for a long time. I hate dragging actions. If I could turn without having to hold down a mouse button i would be very happy, but right now it is a total pain for me to play for hours with one button clicked. The difference between moving a mouse and clicking and moving the mouse while holding the button pressed for a long time is simply way too huge for me.


This is why i am still using keyboard turning.


Anyone can advice me on that?


I find it fatiguing as well to constantly hold down the right mouse button. I keyboard turn while travelling and other non-critical situations. In WoW (this was years ago) I had a nice addon that you could use the middle mouse button to toggle mouselook mode so you didnt have to hold down the right button all the time. Would be nice to have some kind of toggle in this game as well, seeing as how I'm basically holding down the right button ALL the time in wz's except when aiming an ae or throwing the huttball (and it's useful to keep your keyboard turnkeys so you can move/steer while doing this as well...)

Edited by Polebreaker
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Hot keys:

Q,E,R,T,Y,Z,X,C,V,B,F,G,H, 1-6, `


Those are all the ones my left hand can hit quickly. Since I bind keys based on class I am used to where things are at, having used them for so many years. All MMOs have the same abilities (mostly) just different names.


T or Y are always a heal or CC, while R is stealth / backstab / otehr insta attack.


That sort of thing.

Character panel and other things rebound to other keys that are out of the way.

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Put the instant interrupts and reactionary or proc-dependent skills on hotkeys you can reach without stopping movement (either mouse buttons or whatever you can reach with your thumb).


It took a lot of thinking and a few rebinding exercises to work out the above "what do I want to be able to do while moving"? I'm finally comfortable with my bindings and think the exercise of refactoring this a few times was worth it.


Above I saw someone mention "Belkin's Nostromo gamepad". I have the Razer Nostromo game pad ... I'd be surprised if Belkin's has a gamepad with the same name. I love it. Yes, that joystick is very handy. I don't use the gamepad's ability to change mappings on the fly.


I also unbound keyboard turn - I only have strafe/forward/backward on left hand keys. I have auto-run on the Naga's 4th (or 5th) mouse button (a thin button to the left of button 1).

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Somebody pls enlighten me on this:

I have this huge discomfort that i cannot move the mouse while i am holding the key for a long time. I hate dragging actions. If I could turn without having to hold down a mouse button i would be very happy, but right now it is a total pain for me to play for hours with one button clicked. The difference between moving a mouse and clicking and moving the mouse while holding the button pressed for a long time is simply way too huge for me.


This is why i am still using keyboard turning.


Anyone can advice me on that?


I have the exact same problem. Holding down the mouse buttons while moving it around makes my hand hurt really fast. I know mouse movement is better but I am stuck with keyboard turning simply because my hand can't handle constantly holding down a mouse button.

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