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Faction on Faction Fighting


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I must say the majority of people did not buy this game to fight their own faction in PvP.

This practice is becoming a turn off for many people

If your Republic you expect to fight Imperial and by the same token Imperials expect to fight Republic.

Trying to keep this thread rated PG as I would like to really lay it out, but I will maintain a civil discord .


If you want to fix this problem the solution is simple, all servers Queue up to the same PvP WZ's

you would have 100's of people queued with plenty of Rep / Imp players to maintain a proper PvP match with

apposing factions fighting.

I for one will not play much longer if the same faction fighting continues, as this is not what I bought the game for

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Faction imbalance is the one last true impediment to this games rise to legendary status.

Unfortunately, the majority of the player base is Imperial and in our day and age MAJORITY WANT EZEMODE MAJORITY GET EZEMODE. I will defend the republic to my last breath, as I am a Jedi Knight but there are few of us and the darkness... it grows ever nearer.

Edited by VoidJustice
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Majority of people are bothered by this? Trust me, they'd be WAY more bothered by longer queues. I don't know if Kinrath Spider would ever queue for a warzone. Maybe twice a night.


News flash: This game is 2/3 Imperial populated. Bioware can't do a damn thing about it.

Edited by islander
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Majority of people are bothered by this? Trust me, they'd be WAY more bothered by longer queues. I don't know if Kinrath Spider would ever queue for a warzone. Maybe twice a night.


News flash: This game is 2/3 Imperial populated. Bioware can't do a damn thing about it.


Stop I q evernight... when Im not taking care of buisness or family also pub numbers are up on Kinrath.

We now have 28 on fleet at prime time, prepare to be over-run with our uber 30ish war party!


4 teh Republic!


islander glhf! see you in q dewd.

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Stop I q evernight... when Im not taking care of buisness or family also pub numbers are up on Kinrath.


What does the fleet look like these days?

I know it should be higher this week. Empire was in the 50-75 range but this week has spiked up about 20-30%. We actually hit standard now some nights, by 10pm.

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Faction vs Faction is only a problem for Roleplayers. Which make up a very small portion of the games population. I kind of like fighting my own faction actually, makes for easier trash talk in fleet afterwards.


Cross-server PvP won't do much to fix this as pretty much every single server has way more imps than republics.

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Were around 28ish, so not so bad. Lots of everyone on tat now adays so the estimatin is harder.


Come get me!

Im gettin me coins up and once I have a Rakghoul pet the Empires days are NUMBERED!




Well maybe deep down Im a geeky RP'er but hey! This is Star Wars!!!

My inner 5 year old cries everytime I have to kill a fellow Pub, although

it is fun to fight guildmates and friends. :D

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This is only a problem because Bioware won't lift a finger to fix faction imbalances. They'd just as soon let the game die, which might actually happen at this rate. The whole "we closely monitor faction balance" means either they stare and watch without acting or are outright lying to us(both of which are equally plausible). This is what leads to the obnoxious amounts of same faction WZs we see.
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This is only a problem because Bioware won't lift a finger to fix faction imbalances. They'd just as soon let the game die, which might actually happen at this rate. The whole "we closely monitor faction balance" means either they stare and watch without acting or are outright lying to us(both of which are equally plausible). This is what leads to the obnoxious amounts of same faction WZs we see.


What would you have them do. People want to be Imperials more than they want to be republic... BW cannot control peoples minds. What do you want them to do? Force people to roll republic?

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What would you have them do. People want to be Imperials more than they want to be republic... BW cannot control peoples minds. What do you want them to do? Force people to roll republic?


And your solution is what? Let the problem sit there and fester? Oh yes, that's a vast improvement. Let's start with experience, commendation, and credit bonuses for the underpopulated faction the server. That'll balance lack of groups and PvP gear disparities out. Next you can add faction transfers, free for players going from the overpopulated to the underpopulated. There now, was that so hard? Apparently for Bioware it is.

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What would you have them do. People want to be Imperials more than they want to be republic... BW cannot control peoples minds. What do you want them to do? Force people to roll republic?


Incentives. Increased XP gain, Comms and Valor for Republic, for example. Let people who want to switch factions get a new L50 in decent gear more quickly than rolling an alt on the same side will get.

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Incentives. Increased XP gain, Comms and Valor for Republic, for example. Let people who want to switch factions get a new L50 in decent gear more quickly than rolling an alt on the same side will get.


This would not incentivize playing Republic at all for me. Make Rep class quests as engaging as Imp class quests, instead.

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