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When are Bioware going to fix the Imp Op DPS now?


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Since we are nerfed to hell, I've seen most Imp Ops just disappear, I'm thinking about quitting myself, along with the bugs and performance issues of this game my class was nerfed to beyond a joke and compared to well almost any other class its just laughable, healers basically (geared ones, not scrubs) just laugh at you when trying to 1v1 them.


Also it seems like basically we've lost our unique ability which is WHY we were nerfed in 1.2 , being able to stunlock someone till they were dead (this was situational at best because it relied on them not having their CC breaker ability up) ANY class can do this now, hell a 4 second stun = your dead by anyone but our class since we do such gimped damage.


We guard the LEAST best on any node out of all classes, since we get smashed SO fast its just laughable really, mara's always joke how fast we go down, we are like paper, the only thing we USE to have is nice (the best) burst damage, something we don't have now, and actually FAR from it.


Its basically unless you are a healer why even bother being an Imp Op, they use to be fun to play, kind of are still (as I'm still playing mine) but I'm really getting over anytime I'm alone 1v1 is no chance vs EVERY other class out there, we are no ones anti class anymore, we USE to be sorcs / sages as far as I can tell, but since most people play these 2 classes and we actually beat them (OH NO, working as intended, cant have that) they had a huge cry and we got nerfed to HELL and back.


So when are we going to be fixed? Mara's, arguably the most op class gets a buff, tanks are insanely good now, I wouldn't say OP because I think they've just been really REALLY fixed cause in PvP they can soak damage like you don't believe (PS I'm playing and comparing all BM + geared people so anyone who isn't in this tier bracket might disagree, but is not the case at this lvl) everyone just seems to have something, but Imp Operative now....


We all know if you have played multiple characters like I have or even vs'd them, what they have compared to the Imp Op for offensive and defensive abilities and we are just that gimp, WHY are we not being looked at?

Edited by KalTorrak
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the reason you see some people dropping their OPs isn't because the class is unplayable anymore it is because they are not stupid overpowered anymore. There will always people who roll particular classes just because they are overpowered in pvp at that point in time. Saw in in Lineage 2, WoW and Aion, t'is a fact of mmo life. Even though I am medical I still kill things just as fast (pve) as I was before the cd's and damage reductions.
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I quit playing my DPS op and I'm glad BW did what they did. It was rediculous that we could stun lock and kill someone solo just because their CC remove was on cooldown. Now I can go back to playing a class with a 50 % chance to win most 1 on 1's. This makes PVP more group oriented, as it should be.
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the reason you see some people dropping their OPs isn't because the class is unplayable anymore it is because they are not stupid overpowered anymore. There will always people who roll particular classes just because they are overpowered in pvp at that point in time. Saw in in Lineage 2, WoW and Aion, t'is a fact of mmo life. Even though I am medical I still kill things just as fast (pve) as I was before the cd's and damage reductions.


I doubt it very much mate, I got a guildie who plays a Imp Op healer and he can not kill anything if they are a decent player (although they cannot kill him also) people who said what you did are normally on the end of Imp Ops on release, hell I was, I didn't even have an Imp op until AFTER their first big nerf, I was on the RECEIVING end on my sorc, I STILL don't believe they were OP, they were simply my anti class, I didn't come on the forums crying nerf them nerf them cause I know how GROUP PvP is balanced.

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I quit playing my DPS op and I'm glad BW did what they did. It was rediculous that we could stun lock and kill someone solo just because their CC remove was on cooldown. Now I can go back to playing a class with a 50 % chance to win most 1 on 1's. This makes PVP more group oriented, as it should be.


You could do this with all of what, 1 class? Its not like you could stunlock every class and faceroll them, also any video out there pre nerf is before they even added 50's into the equation, doesn't take much to stunlock an undergeared new player and kill them (which is about the only thing you can do) if you are equal geared to the person who you are vs'n forget about it.

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