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A buddy of mine is rolling a Sentinel and I would like to roll something complementary for us to duo together with. As a Sentinel, what AC would you prefer to run with leveling up? We will touch pve, pvp and whatever as we are just getting into the game and I don't mind rolling any AC or spec as I just enjoy playing. Suggestions?


Thanks for your help!



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basically, as sentinel you have a damage dealer role filled. Most pve content do not require a healer role, unless you want to duo heroic 4 content. In pvp rolling healer and sentinel can be quite a nasty combo, but so can gunslinger/sentinel or guardian/sentinel or any other combo for that sake.


It really depends what role you want to play. If you like playing a healer, you are quite good in terms of a safe and easy travel through pvp and pve content.


I've played 4 classes to 50 and am eager to level up a new already:) So it's hard to give you a clear choice.


On a sidenote though, if you want to do group content in groups, it's easier for you to fill a grp if not both are dps etc. If you are healer or tank, you can more easily fit into a group.


Sorry if I did not make you any wiser:)

Edited by Pantheron
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From my experience the thing you lack the most as a Jedi Sent. is a healer. If you were grouping with me I'd say go Jedi Consular/Sage.


Firstly you start on the same planet so you can do the level 1-10 quests together quite easily.


Secondly, the sent. doesn't get their healer until much later in the game, and while most single player content can be soloed, there are some boss fights where having a healer would be helpful. This past week I helped a level 35 friend beat a level 30 end of chapter boss. I brought a level 15 Sage and acted like a rapidly reusable medpac. I was squishy, but it was all the help he needed to get him over the hump in the fight.


Thirdly, I personally like how easy sages are to play, and they do a respectable amount of ranged DPS.

Edited by mlbrogueone
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