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Hoods and circlets..


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I know that BW is working on the whole "show/hide hood-show/hide mask etc" thing.. Probably 1.3?

Anyway, a quick solution would be to make "circlet" type headgear override hoods. Full helms/masks already force the hood down, except they also hide (most of) your face, making it a moot point.

However, if I could use a thin circlet to make the hood go away, I'd be totally happy with that solution!

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Not sure what hood+circlet combo you got, but with mine.. I can barely see the circlet at all. I have to tilt my camera way up and zoom right in to see it under the hood.

Based on that, I assumed that other circlets were near impossible to see as well, and people would welcome the chance to override their hoods.

I stand corrected

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