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Dots are useless in pvp


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Dots tick way too slow with sage/inquisitor. Many classes can remove dots. You dots can hurt someone if you put all of them in one target who cannot remove them in 30 seconds, but most of these classes can instawham you 7000 damage and wham you down in two seconds. And in pvp the being a turret specked is suicide.
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Dots tick way too slow with sage/inquisitor. Many classes can remove dots. You dots can hurt someone if you put all of them in one target who cannot remove them in 30 seconds, but most of these classes can instawham you 7000 damage and wham you down in two seconds. And in pvp the being a turret specked is suicide.


Now you know why i ROLL on the floor went i see a Pyro hit me up whit a dot i'm like DUDE come on you joking right


Dots on this game need to be immune to Cures so went you get a dot on you only way to not die is





and on top of it they need to boost the damage DOTS do by 30% on top of what they do now right now a DOT is a damn joke

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Dots tick way too slow with sage/inquisitor. Many classes can remove dots. You dots can hurt someone if you put all of them in one target who cannot remove them in 30 seconds, but most of these classes can instawham you 7000 damage and wham you down in two seconds. And in pvp the being a turret specked is suicide.


The sage DoT is internal damage - it is not mitigated by players' armor, which most other abilities are, so being able to run around using them without stopping is pretty useful.


Also, I'm not really sure what your main complaint is - that people kill you easily ("classes can instawham you for 7000 damage) or that the DoTs dont kill people fast enough?


If it's that DoTs dont kill people fast enough, that's kinda the point. DoTs are for slow and steady damage; if you want more bursty damage, you may want to try a different spec.

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I skilled that people are slowed when they got one of my dots. I hardly call this worthless in PvP :D


Yeah, but that's too high up the healing tree to actually be of any offensive purpose. The damage is still really low, and so if the slow is what makes it worthwhile, then the DoT aspect is still pointless.


My lvl 30 Marauder (I had to pick something to level for the class buff) in quest gear already puts out Dots that do the equivalent damage of my level 50 sage in full columi. AND if the rotation is done properly, can keep them active 100% of the time. My Sage certainly can't keep Mind Crush up all the time :(.


DoT's aren't useless.... so long as you are the right class.


The sage DoT is internal damage - it is not mitigated by players' armor, which most other abilities are, so being able to run around using them without stopping is pretty useful.


Also, I'm not really sure what your main complaint is - that people kill you easily ("classes can instawham you for 7000 damage) or that the DoTs dont kill people fast enough?


If it's that DoTs dont kill people fast enough, that's kinda the point. DoTs are for slow and steady damage; if you want more bursty damage, you may want to try a different spec.


Yes, the sage DoT is internal, but each individual tick is really low, and you can't stack it. I only use Weaken Mind for the Sped-up TK Throw cast time, which means that yet again, it's not being intentionally used for it's damage aspect.


I wouldn't say that the issue is that DoTs don't kill fast enough (Hell, Watchman/Annihilation specced Sentinel/Marauder, which kill very fast with DoTs, but they're an exception), but that the front-loaded damage of non-DoT skills kills stuff to quickly, making DoTs largely redundant. The lower the TTK is in PvP, the less relevance DoTs will have, because there is less time for them to tick in.

Edited by Tyrias
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