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PvP Gear vs. Heroic gear


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So I haven't actually sat down pull out the good calculator and done the math, but honestly by look and by stats is PvP the best gear to get and not work hard to get the Heroic gear while level 30-50 or from Flashpoints?

This is for PvP.

Currently level 31 Sith Marauder(Main).

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i wouldnt go out of your way to farm instances for gear pre-50, its easy enough to keep your gear current with comms and crew skills (if you have one that can make mods)


but it would be a good idea to pre-purchase the level 40 pvp gear, gives you a full set of upgrades as soon as you ding 40, easy enough to get as well

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I loved the PvP gear available at 40,used it till 50 with no problems at all. You can always upgrade it if you are struggling but i doubt you will be. Once you get to 50 buy the recruit gear unless you can find some good orange/purple gear for 49/50 in the same price range.
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