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Razor Swtor Mouse JUST PASS IT UP!!


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First, I love the Razer line of mice. It's the buttons on the side. I own 2 of them a Naga and an Epic; one for my desktop and one for my laptop. That's how serious I am about it.


Recently, I bought a Razer SWTOR. Seemed like a no brainer. It was on sale, had all the buttons I needed, had a unique in game crystal, and it promoted the game which I love. And... it was a disaster.


First, I got a dud right out of the box just like the OP. Same scenario. I contacted Razer directly and they finally recommended I get a replacement. Ok.. np. It happens.


On to the second one. First, I tried to redeem my unique crystal. The code did not work. After making sure that it wasn't something on my end, I contacted Razer and found out this was a known bug. I sent Razer my customer info and they were supposed to get back to me with a code.


Ok... well, I put a pin on that, charged the mouse battery up and started playing. I tweaked the sensitivity to my liking, went wireless, and was off and running. Everything seemed to be fine for a while and then... the mouse started losing the sensitivity settings.


After doing some research I found this was another bug. So I updated everything and tried again. It worked for a while and then the mouse lost it's X axis. Starting to see a pattern here? So, to solve that problem I had to close and relaunch the SW that came with the mouse. Hmm... hopefully this would be solved in the next firmware/driver update, according to Razer, but it was infrequent occurrence...


Why continue? I'm an old vet. I've seen all sorts of issues with HW and SW. Sometimes you just have to weather the storm to get what you want, so I hung in there and continued to use the mouse with the occasional reset.


But then, the mouse started losing the wireless signal. It would just stop working. I turned off sleep mode completely to no avail. I decided not use it wireless at all. This is a gaming mouse and I don't need wireless headaches. I could live with no wireless while I'm playing TOR.


But alas, that did not solve the problem. In what was the final straw, the mouse would stop working intermittently wired with sleep disabled. Essentially, it would lose it's USB enumeration.


Well, you win some you lose some. I contacted Razer gave them a run down and told them not to bother with the crystal. I returned the mouse and it was a welcome relief.


So... stay away from Razer SWTOR mouse. You might get one that works, but at best it is a crap shoot. I had 2 of them... rolled snake eyes on both.

Edited by Rafaman
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I got mine from Amazon just a couple of days ago. They have them for £80 delivered (as opposed to £100-125 everywhere else).


I needed a new mouse anyway, and I play SWTOR a lot, so took the plunge.


Loving it!


To be fair, it takes some getting used to.


I had to keybind 12 different characters, but it didn't take too long!


I've rearranged my quickbars into a 3x4 grid to mirror the button placement, and it helps some to do it like that.


Then just play against some mobs, see which skills you need easy access to immediately and rearrange their positioning.


Also I've not tried it wireless yet. I've used wireless mice before (though this was several years ago) and they're never as reliable, input-wise, as a wired mouse in my experience.


So far though, all good. I believe the crystal thingy is now over though, which is a shame. Would love to have grabbed one of those crystals!





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