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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Imperial Players who degrade Repubs


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I find it amusing most of the time when i see a Imperial player in a WZ say things such as "You guys so badd" "You and your worthless PUG's" "Why do you guys suck so much,lol"


I recall very well on my server and im sure it is the same on atleast 90% of the other servers that in the first month or two it was Sorc/Inquis stunfest killathon that happened in roughly 80% of the WZ's,,,so check on them and all the other classes that joined the ride and outgeared Repubs.


Then there was the Valor exploit that happened and regardles if say YOU as an Imperial didnt partake enougth did to once again throw gear and Valor lopsided again.


Then you have far more premades on the Imperial side which in turn helps those other four who are grouped with them get more Valor,comms etc.


All of this considered one has to ask why an Imperial would say such things or for that matter why do some Imperials think they are very good at PvP when in fact all of above has happened.


To those Imperials i say this,,,If you think you are that good then role Republic,you will have more than enougth challenge.

Edited by Sathid
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I find it amusing most of the time when i see a Imperial player in a WZ say things such as "You guys so badd" "You and your worthless PUG's" "Why do you guys suck so much,lol"


I recall very well on my server and im sure it is the same on atleast 90% of the other servers that in the first month or two it was Sorc/Inquis stunfest killathon that happened in roughly 80% of the WZ's,,,so check on them and all the other classes that joined the ride and outgeared Repubs.


Then there was the Valor exploit that happened and regardles if say YOU as an Imperial didnt partake enougth did to once again throw gear and Valor lopsided again.


Then you have far more premades on the Imperial side which in turn helps those other four who are grouped with them get more Valor,comms etc.


All of this considered one has to ask why an Imperial would say such things or for that matter why do some Imperials think they are very good at PvP when in fact all of above has happened.


To those Imperials i say this,,,If you think you are that good then role Republic,you will have more than enougth challenge.


I did roll rep , i have a 85 sorc and 67 shadow. Ilum exploit ? all i did was to go to an open area pvp zone and killed some ppl from the oposite faction. Bioware made the mistake of letting us get into rep base, no one there went with the intention to get massive amounts of valor , but it happened, deal with it. On my server imp side has a channel for the top pvpers to make premades, which doesnt happen on rep side, there are maybe 2 premades on rep that give imps trouble while there are about 6 - 8 imp premades that do the same to reps. I play 50/50 my sorc and my shadow and is fun on both sides even on pugs.


As for degrading players , it only happened a few times , by both factions not only imps.

Edited by tekhiun
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I did roll rep , i have a 85 sorc and 67 shadow. Ilum exploit ? all i did was to go to an open area pvp zone and killed some ppl from the oposite faction. Bioware made the mistake of letting us get into rep base, no one there went with the intention to get massive amounts of valor , but it happened, deal with it. On my server imp side has a channel for the top pvpers to make premades, which doesnt happen on rep side, there are maybe 2 premades on rep that give imps trouble while there are about 6 - 8 imp premades that do the same to reps. I play 50/50 my sorc and my shadow and is fun on both sides even on pugs.


As for degrading players , it only happened a few times , by both factions not only imps.


It happened deal with it'''Wow yah i guess i have to huh?,your the type of player i can kind of tell that falls inline with what i just said i believe.

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Hell I get that crap ,on the same faction I'm on.


You can't do anything about the people but place them on ignore.


Although I don't think you can place say chat on ignore, so that's just something you will have to deal with.

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I find it amusing most of the time when i see a Imperial player in a WZ say things such as "You guys so badd" "You and your worthless PUG's" "Why do you guys suck so much,lol"


It's the same old story as the great spit-a-thons in WoW, but it goes both ways, trust me. Maybe you don't see it on your server, but on my server it happens all the time, on both sides. I recently completed a Huttball where we won 5-1, and I was still seeing trash talk from the Republic players right up to the end. Despite the fact they had the stronger team and still lost. For some it's a psychological game, trying to get you frustrated so you'll just focus on them, some because it's an online game and no one can actually hit them in the face, for still others it's just in their nature to be an ***. Don't let it get to you. Personally I have a seperate chat tab for when I PvP and /say's aren't even in it.

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lol this QQ should be on your server forums no point crying about imps as every server is different, so save it for your server as we all dont really care


This is not a QQ thread,but yah i do wish there was an over 30 server and forum.


As far as every server is different,to a degree but not much.

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Happens on both sides, not just Imps that do it. If it really gets on your nerves, let your playing do the talking. I once had this guy trash talk me about how bad we sucked, me in particular (We started 6vs8, we were Pub side) after they happened to 3-cap. We ended up coming back, winning 5-0 and I had top damage and top medals, with quite a few kills on said trash talker.
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Happens on both sides, not just Imps that do it. If it really gets on your nerves, let your playing do the talking. I once had this guy trash talk me about how bad we sucked, me in particular (We started 6vs8, we were Pub side) after they happened to 3-cap. We ended up coming back, winning 5-0 and I had top damage and top medals, with quite a few kills on said trash talker.


I stated i found it amusing,do i have to state it again? i think im gonna give up on these forums due to it attracting the lowest common denominator,so far i have been accused that i get bent out of shape on it and that i made a QQ thread,which neither is the case.

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if this happens alot maybe you need to look inward. maybe you just suck so bad at pvp people are constantly making fun of you. nothing wrong with a little self introspection sometimes.


Lol noone adressed me in name and your comment is childish,i know you attempted to be or sound mature but you failed miserably.


Ok i looked up your past posts,yah i was right.

Edited by Sathid
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Lol noone adressed me in name and your comment is childish,i know you attempted to be or sound mature but you failed miserably.


Ok i looked up your past posts,yah i was right.


hmm someone got you butthurt you made an entire thread about it. don't act now as if they weren't laughing at you. sound mature? once again stop being bad and they won't laugh.

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It takes two weeks to get full BM if you're starting from scratch. That kinda negates all of those advantages that you ranted about.


I got full BM gear in 3 days after 1.2... Warzones for 6-7 hours a day.. Its DARN easy to get now!

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Hell I get that crap ,on the same faction I'm on.


You can't do anything about the people but place them on ignore.


Although I don't think you can place say chat on ignore, so that's just something you will have to deal with.


I have a tab that is used just for pvp that has only ops chat. Problem solved.

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I got full BM gear in 3 days after 1.2... Warzones for 6-7 hours a day.. Its DARN easy to get now!


Yes it is very easy to get,but a hell whole alot easier if you are Imperial,and as it stands many Imperial have moved on to WH,which will take Republic players awhile,so yah see everything i did list is still relevant,if you cannot understand that,then we have failed even worse in the education system than i thought.

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I would be interesting, for the sake of conversation... to see all the data from the "Illum" debacle. I distinctly remember posts from the dev team stating that they had the ability to see the metrics of the servers, I am overall curious just how much valor was earned, by server, by faction during that event.....
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